the input form is displayed, but the data entered in the form is not saved

Last updated by Yevgeniy Comments (2)

Hello Developers! I want to update the plugin, the input form is displayed, but the data entered in the form is not saved, this code worked in version 2.3 of the save.php file, what has changed in elgg 3.0?

i didn't use elgg-plugin.php


   $url = get_input('url');  

$blog_guid = get_input('guid');

$blog = get_entity($blog_guid);


if ($blog) {

                $blog->videocover = $url;


  • Use elgg-plugin.php to register the action at least. Use the elgg_view_field() function in the form for the input field (at least easier to have a uniform layout this way). Most likely the problem is that the action isn't called right now because the action is called via JS code as I have seen in the code of this plugin and this code might not be executed right now (and might also need to be updates a bit).

  • This is the most valuable piece of advice I have received. thanks
