Ajouter un média

Last updated by Florian DANIEL aka Facyla


To Embed a media file into your page:

1. Make sure you have the "Embed" plugin enabled

  • Go to top nav administration and click on "Tools Administration"

2. Create a blog post: (blog plugin needs to be enabled)

  • click on top nave tools >> blogs
  • click on "Write a blog post"
  • enter title
  • enter some text in the editor

3. To embed media into blog post

  • click on Add/Remove editor link on bottom right corner of editor
  • notice the HTML editor is turned on
  • click on Embed / upload media link on top right corner of editor
  • Upload new media or choose existing media
  • notice html code is inserted into the html editor
  • click on Add/Remove editor link on bottom right corner of editor

and..... wahhlaaaaaa you now have inserted your media into your post