Is there a plugin where i can limit the validation time of users to 24hours after which the validation should get failed & the validation data should also be deleted.
I want registration email of user to be of certain domain only registration from other domain should be rejected. say only from gmail,yahoo & hotmail alone rest of the domain registration should be rejected.
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You can setup a cron job that will delete all users that are not validated within 24 hours.
For domain throttling, just register a hook for 'action', 'register' and deny if email is in the wrong domain.
In the future, do not use pages to ask question. Go to a respective group and start a discussion. One question - one discussion.
Thank you ismail for your reply .. Oh sorry my mistake i thought it is a discussion i am opening bad eye ..
Take a look at https://elgg.org/plugins/1422171 regarding restrictions on allowed email domains.
The hook used in Daniel's link is more suitable for email validation, but the approach is the same.