Admin board project

Last updated by Fabrice Comments (1)

Here are the pages for the admin board project

The point is that communities creators are mostly to be average end users, and not supposed to be very skillfull in systeme administration.

So we need to provide them a very sexy and intuitive admin dashboard.

I already implemented a few admin functions for the communities creators but this need to be ahanced with more intuitive ergonomy. I can work on implementing new functions, but i need people to join the admin board project, and develop a nice admin board, mostly based on javascript.

Daniele already joined me for this project, evry fingers and heads are welcome to participate and contribute in any ways that can be thought about.

2 pages for the project :

1) Specifications : give your comments and ideas about the spécifications of the admin board

2) team : see who is doing what and say what you do if you want to join the team

  • I'm working in team with Nemite. We are happy to contribute to Multisite project. We are testing it and we found many things still not working. The most important is sharing entities across sites, for example users, to build one big user base free to brows all the sites of the network.
