I have browsed elgg forum for the below mentioned question and as I didn't find it I thought of asking it....sorry if it is a repeated question.
Have to make the website refresh for every 60 or 30 seconds, I have enabled cron but it's of no use
command of my cron is
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Can any one please tell my why my cron is not working
Are you sure your cron is configured properly?
The cronjob itself does not make your website refresh automatically. The cronjobs of Elgg are rather kind of triggers that Elgg core and plugins can use to initiate the execution of certain functions in well-defined intervalls.
To make use of the cronjobs you would write the code that actually does the work on your own.
For testing if the cronjobs are working (and what might be executed on the cronjob intervalls) you can use the croncheck plugin: https://github.com/ColdTrick/croncheck.
Than you for your feedback....
So is there any plugin for refreshing the pages in certain intervals or please guide me if I have to do some editing work for the code so that the page refreshes (content in the activity) will get refreshed automatically and new content will get displayed in the home page.
i think the metag will do this for you.. add this in <head></head>
Hmmmm should I add this in the index.php??
Sorry, I am newbie to php and not sure in which page I have to add this.
Extend your elgg's page/element/head view with a new view in a plugin and add the code sateesh mentioned.
See these docs for a starting
Question is: is the refreshing REALLY necessary. And is it necessary to reload the whole page? This will surely result in a higher load for the server and an increase in the site traffic. If you have any limits here, I wouldn't modify the code in a way that all pages are refreshed all the time.
If the idea is to only check for arrival of new messages there might be other ways, i.e. ajaxing this view. There might already be plugins available that do this (but I'm not sure at the moment and even if there are I don't know if they work on the recent versions of Elgg). Maybe someone else could suggest a plugin to be used, if you really only want to check for new messages.
^ I agree
Plus pages that auto-refresh are very annoying and I stop reading them, they usually trigger to refresh as I'm half way through whatever I'm doing/reading and then you have to find your place again. Not a good idea.
Auto Refresh could be a dangerous thing to have, unless you have a dedicated server. Just picture 40 people with auto refresh at the same time. Not very wise.
May be you can do that using ajax on the river activity instead of the whole page.
Rodolfo Hernandez
Arvixe/Elgg Community Liaison
Another issue is similar to what Matt mentioned. Suppose if a user is watching a video in the activity page or any other page with an autorefresh enabled, the video get disrupted. Your best option is to use some javascript to fetch the latest river posts, after the initial page load via an ajax and prepend it to the page. This way no disturbance to user occurs.
Nice Topic.. Thank you