Dear Friends,
I am using elgg 1.8.8 with default theme. I have changed my main home page wire activity fonts size and I made it bigger. I found the file in
I can see there is form css file as well. My question is how I can increase the comment box (form) a bit bigger than the default?
Because I have increased the font size for my wire activity and now in the comment box hardly few words come up. I want to increase the size of the comment form (box).
I would really appreciate your help if you tell me the correct file & line location to change the size.
Many thanks in advance &
Kindest Regards
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Someone help me please, waiting for reply !
you can use CSS to resize the wire textarea box with this
Cim thanks for the reply, the trick you told me I am not looking for.
I am looking for the comment box only. I wanna change the hight of comment box only how I can do that, I would appreciate if you give me the full file location as well.
Thanks in advance
The comment box is a textarea's field.
If you want to edit it then change this class:
Thanks a lot RvR for helping me.
Yes I tried to change that 200 px in views/default/css/elements/forms.php file
textarea {
height: 200px;
I changed that 200px to 400px but still the same comment box, I want to change the height of comment box.
I tried few days before on views/default/css/elements/forms.php file but could not just find the way to increase the height of comment box.
1 - try run upgrade.php after changes
2 - TinyMCE works ;) You need edit some js\css files for it/ Try 'Remove editor' and check your changes
by default, the textarea box doesn't have tinymce enabled, but yes if you have simplecache turned on then please run upgrade.php to see the effects
the wire textarea box*
@Cim: the solution to increase the height of the wire input text box was already posted above. In mod/thewire/views/default/thewire/css.php the layout of the wire textbox is defined by
Increase the 40px to something that suits you. If you have cache enabled, you need to flush the cache on the admin dashboard for the changes to take effect. If you still don't see an increase in in height it might be because you use a 3rd party plugin that overrides the Elgg core wire views and css. Then you would need to find out the location of the corresponding css definition in the css file of this plugin.