Ben Watkins, 11 years old Elggster, from my own FKKids
('FaceBook For Kids') one-of-a-kind, *largest non-commercial elgg-based
web-site in the world today. Speedy has learned Elgg Code-Stuf pretty
quickly and.. also lolz ;O 'dabbles' in.. Python coding. For those that
not knows - Python is OOP language. Speedy also, at his apparent
young age - does freelance web-building consulting! esp w/ Elgg.
Rodolfo @4th world country ElSalvador but churns out top quality 1st Worlder Elgg
themes like they're M&Ms ;)
boredd... so i'm a-startin something new, something ole.. muah ex-elgg-youngsters page. i'll setup a subdomain somewhere for the smart skids sometime soon. speedy knows what its at..
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Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
Icons by Flaticon and FontAwesome.
The first - and one of best - Mark Harding (UK).
I remember a ling time ago.. Mark would ping me with some Elggy question
or another and I'd ping back a little and then demand that he email me
with the details.. Slowly the pings and emails would die put and
the next day he would email me back to say 'it was working..'
There was that 'Versioning' or the Files PlugIn he had
kept bugging me about and sure enough some days later..
It 'was working..' ;-)
Briliiant for his age - I think he was about 13 then,
barely starting high school, but almost a PhD in the Elgg API lolz ;-)
Hope he's doing well with his stuff these days...
The last and also.. one of the best.. SpeedySnail only about 11 yrs going onto 12 very soon, born under the same perfectionist zodiac sign as the 'master' ;) Speedy comes from a long and respected 'family' tradiiton of Elgg-sites - FKKids.Com the largest Elgg-based website on the world (built by hand, scratch by scratch); Speedy used hang out there since a few years back, used to bug the heck out of the admins with his programming smartz. One day Speedy figured out that the platform behind FBFK was Elgg! and soo.. downloaded, instaled, tested - not very long ago. Today - Speedy spins out themes like a theme-magician, also codes in Python !;-X, asks difficult questions that most Elggsters will not or can not answer.. while Speedy speeds on - onwards in his quest to own the Internet one day ;P Don't frett so hardd Speedy ! you'll get yr OpenSIM @Enbrache's Server. one day soon ;-)
lolz ;-) krazi koding kid from kolkata got a new avatar ! ;-P
My brother and I are already doing something like this. It is still in development. http://jrcoders.x10.mx. We will buy domain when we are done. Could we move this to your servers when were done?
We will be posting our site on github. Let me know if you want to get involved.
The Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming (from childhood days;)
The Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming #3
No matter how much php “kungpowfoobar” you know, someone else will always know more. Such an individual can teach you some new moves if you ask. Seek and accept input from others, especially when you think it’s not needed. --- ScoopDeWuTangWarriorMonk
@DhrupDeScoop what a marvelous speech.