Seen enough of Logo, topBar, Header Content, this widget, that widget, here, there and everywhere customizations and Plugins to assist obfuscate and obliterate the presence of the name of the underlying (appreciated?) platform we all use.
But what does 'theming' (branding) really mean for web-site owners ? I have some few handfulls of ideas re: the direction and places that 'theming' should travel towards. Not just mere changing of color, backgrunds, kiddie CSS stuff and the 'code-oriented' design aspects.
I want to arrange, re-arrange *anything, anywhere and anyhow -- any part of the UI and maybe even the UX to create my own *personalized (and also for all my clients' non-duplicate-able web-site "looks.."
I am looking to develop some sort of a superior "theme-roller" - for Elgg-based sites -- one where I can define the "looks" using some smart-like point/ click/ drag/ drop/ type a few specifications and then have the theming *utility *generate all the necessary code - HTML, CSS, JS, PHP including required Elgg API/Function Interface calls. It gets so tiresome coding the *same sort of thigs over-and-over again and again.. Views. Actions, yadda, yadda...
It is all the same design "pattern" for coding with Elgg. So why not a Theme, Styling, Views, Actions *code-generator* ? Possible ? Yes ! Someone I was recently discussing such several approaches blithely called it 'making a Developer 'redundant' ;-) True - a point/ click. drag/ drop smarty interface for developing Themes, PlugIns will make a lot of 'developer' code-tasks;' redundant..
I worked with something quite very similar - years ago on a different, specific application system to manage 000,000`s of lines of PHP, HTML, CSS, JS code -- auto-generated and guaranteed to work out-of-the box. It's time to start with Elgg's "weaver' utilities... ;-P A little, somewhat very much along the lines of 'write once & plugiuns/themes everywhere..!' And with simple *GUI-manageable code-less Roles, Permissions built-in !
What might be 'requirements' then - for such 'theming capabilites from any others ? Is CSS stuff code-changing sufficient ? Or do we propel, with Elgg, towards some nether stratospheres ? Y'all r welcome to say what the 'populace desires...' A "PlugIn" to generate them all...!
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©2014 the Elgg Foundation
Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
Icons by Flaticon and FontAwesome.
copied @here for posterity !
and you can quote me in this ;-X
this is a warning to all pseudo 1/2/s Devs who like to put out cwapz code.
i am on the war-path to cleanup the elgg environment;
if they release plugins with cwapz then
-> i *will pull the chain on the cwpzz
and re-release under the DeScoop NexGen branding minus
the total attitude -> you-cannot-use-my-code-without-my-20000-line-framework-
named-after-me-and-so-now-you're-stuck-with-me-like-it-or-not-we're-in-love !??
and - if you question them - rather than going to the bathroom ~ they still
defend the cwapz as if they're the only ones that can code in php !
plugIns code is like a pair of walking feet
the plugIn that is forward has no pride
and the plugIn that is behind has no shame
Because they both knows their situation will change
once deScoopSweeper gets working @actionz
soo. all y'all bad boys!
the warning is out here written in the wall!
' just another bitty line code in the code-wall '
We don't need no sloppy codification
We dont need no elgg plugins' control
No dark sarcasm in the plugins repo room
Developers leave them users alone
displease me 3x with slop @plugins...
retribution will be swift;
i do actually code in my sleep,
duriing dinner,
in the bathroom..
anywhere anytime !;-:
* Rare Chance *
* New PlugIns *
I am looking for (mostly) non-heavy-technica-oriented elgg users to
help with rigorous testing of a few new plugins and some older ones.
What I need from you is a very sincere and hard working, dedicated attitude.
What's in it for you ?
A chance to see some funky hotz new elgg plugins code
right up close in your face before anyone else gets their paws on these;
the opportunity to contribute with design ideas and fixes
for a suite of plugins that will delight, amaze, work for you,
work for everyone, make elgg-life so much easier and smoother.
This offer is a rare moment and will definitely not be repeated ;)
If you reckon that you've got what it takes to be a code hero..
A chance to change the elgg-world,.
only then... contact me via PM.
Here is a summary list of what you'll be expected to work hard with :-
* embrache_nexgen_systemlog
* register-custom-redirect
* embrache_nexgen_exceptions
* embrache_nexgen_circles
* embrache_simple_commerce
* embrache_nexgen_user_rolez
* embrache_nexgen_syszaptor_view
* embrache_nexgen_enemies
* embrache_nexgen_custom_logout
* embrache_nexgen_custom_page
* embrache_nexgen_frontpage
* embrache_nexgen_layouts
* embrache_nexgen_pinups
'NexGen' PlugIns are coming..
Add on the list *embrache_nexgen_custom_Ads
ohh lolz! that's your 'specialty', mate...
hmm.. took me some t-i-m-e..
think i will re-do fbfk theme
to be fb-look-alike 3-col layout just for laffs ;)
while upgradng from elgg 1.5 to 1.8
all the wayyyy to modernize !