How to install Elgg on Windows XP: Revision

Elgg Installation


1. Open IIS (type inetmgr in run)

2. Open Default web site, property and change the default port from 80 to another


3. Install easy PHP

Download URL:

The above URL will redirect to following URL.


4. Download Elgg

5. Create Elgg folder your root (www) created under easy PHP installation

6. Create HTML under Elgg folder

7. Create Data folder ender Elgg folder

8. Paste Elgg engine (extracted from downloaded zip from ) into HTML folder

9. From the tray icon go Configuration/Apache find the line "#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/" and remove the "#"

10 - From the tray icon fo Configuration/PHP find the line ";extension=php_curl.dll" and remove the ";"

11. Run PHP and PHPMyadmin

12. Create a database for you Elgg, this database will be used in Elgg configuration.

13. Run PHP and elgg

14.  If you see Welcomw to elgg then , elgg has been setup , now time to configure database


Username =root

Password= <no password for easy PHP>

Database=Created earlier for Elgg (in step 12)

User name=localhost

Fill the require details in form

In “The full path to the directory where uploaded files will be stored, followed by a trailing slash:” field , type the add of data folder created earlier in step 7.

Click on save.

If the following error occurred, then we need to work on for setting “mod_rewrite” correctly. mod_rewrite  is Apache extension in order to simulate certain URLs, described on step 9 above.

Elgg relies on the mod_rewrite Apache extension in order to simulate certain URLs. For example, whenever you perform an action in Elgg, or when you visit a user's profile, the URL is translated by the server into something Elgg understands internally. This is done using rules defined in an .htaccess file, which is Apache's standard way of defining extra configuration for a site.

 For setting it up.

Open the httpd file,  

Change “AllowOverride None” to “AllowOverride All”, “Order Deny, Allow” to “Order  Allow, Deny” and “Deny from all to allow from all”, in whole doc

Then, after doing this still there are same type of errors repeated.

please delete the .htaccess file if exits and rename the .htaccess_dist to htaccess. Change the RewriteBase /, remove #(this is for making comment in php) and type the name of “Elgg installation foler”

