readme file: Revision

Last updated by Fabrice

Multisite Beta 2.3 readme file

This plugin provides a bunch of tools useful for the multisite context

1) add a community tool to the tool list
- allow users to list all sites, register, unregister and connect
- allow users to add sites dynamicly
- allow admin to delete sites

2) add an "AdminSite" option to the topbar for the community creator
- allows tools plugins enable /disable
- allow theme selecting
- allow user management
- allow communty global setting

3) add a "Communities" option to the admin page
- init plugin
- allow plugin management (global, local, theme or hidden)
- allow communities setting

4) add a full localadmin role
- any user can be given the locaadmin role (by defaukt the community creator is localadmin)
- The local admin can edit and delete any groups and objects of the community(site)
- The localadmin can ban/unban, editdetails and resetpassword of users
- Any new localadmin option can be added to the adminsite menu
- A multisite_admin_gatekeeper function allows to restrict usage of actions to admin and localadmin only.


This plugin is based on the dynamic creation of subdomains.
So you have to :

- in your vhost : add an alias <*>
- in your dns : add * A <your ip>

If you are using wamp, you wont be able do create subdomains dynamicly so you have to pre-declare you subdomains in your  windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts  file

Now go :

1) unzipp the multisitebeta23 folder somewhere on your local pc

2) unzipp the multisite folder in your mod directory and enable the plugin

If you run elgg 1.5 you should use the files il the elgg15 folder (folder elgg16 if you run elgg 1.6.1)


3) copy the files : multisite.php, elgglib.php, notification.php from the engine/lib folder to your site engine/lib folder

4) copy the files : start.php from the engine folder to your site engine folder

5) Replace simplecache/view.php with the simplecache/view.php provided with the plugin

Now the multisite feature should work and the caches (elgg_views and simplecache) are splitted in different directories, one simple_cache and one elgg_view cache by community

The following step are mandatory only if you want to split the logs and river data for each community(site).

6) add a new row to your river table, call it site_guid (bigint)
7)add a new row to your system_log table, call it site_guid (bigint)

8) copy the files : river2.php and system_log.php from engine/river$log_lib folder to your site's engine/lib folder

Now the river will give to a community the events that have been created in that community, and no other ones.

Then go to your site and :

9) go to admin->communities menu -> init multisite and init the plugin with your default value

10) go to admin->communities menu -> Plugin setting and set your installed plugins as global, local, theme or hidden

Have fun and join the multisite group on to share your experience
