plugin idea: insert an internal hyperlink to elgg entity into textbox: Revision

Last updated by ura soul

presently the embed plugin allows files to be added inline into textbox fields and no way exists to easily and quickly link to existing elgg entities inline - beyond navigating to the entity and copy/pasting the url into the textbox.
i am envisioning a shortcut interface device to make adding links to existing entities quick and easy..
e.g. a button/link appears near to full size textboxes marked 'add link to' or similar. when that link is hovered over or clicked, a pop-up box appears that allows fast navigation of entities and when one is clicked a link is inserted into the textbox at the current/last position of the cursor.

ura soul

co-creator of reality - admin of an online social network for healing, balancing & evolving.. plus maker of some free plugins for elgg