"help" optimize this code any suggestions: Revision

Last updated by mariano


// Fix the stupid IE lack of support for indexOf
Array.prototype.indexOf = function(obj) {
for(var i=0; i<this.length; i++){
if(this[i]==obj) return i;
return -1;

// Create the function to see if the array key has already been created
Array.prototype.keyExists = function(obj) {
for (var k in this) {
if (k == obj) return true;
return false;

var chatCount = 0;
var bb_chat_windows = new Array();
var bb_chat_cookie = new Array();

var notifications;
var timer;
var easing;

// To allow last messages
var bb_chat_messages = new Array();
var bb_chat_msg_pos = new Array();

function removeTinyMCE(id) {
try {
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false, id);
} catch(ex) {
var f = setTimeout('removeTinyMCE("chat_' + id + '")', 5000);


function bb_toggle(id){ 
if(bb_chat_windows.indexOf(id) == -1){
showBBChatDiv("chatbox_" + id , true); 
var splice;
for (var box = 0; box < bb_chat_windows.length; box++) { 
if (bb_chat_windows[box] == id) { 
splice = box;

function addChat(chatboxtitle, chatwithname) {
//if (typeof chatboxtitle == "undefined") {
//chatboxtitle = Math.floor(Math.random()*100);

if ((bb_chat_windows.indexOf(chatboxtitle) == -1) && (typeof chatwithname != "undefined")) {
var fix = chatCount == 0 ? 0 : 3;
var dist = ((120*chatCount++) + 205 + fix);

$(" <div />").attr("id","chatbox_button_"+chatboxtitle)
.html("<span style='color: white; cursor: pointer;' onClick='javascript:bb_toggle(\""+chatboxtitle+"\");'><img src='<?php echo $CONFIG->wwwroot; ?>mod/bottom_bar/graphics/icons/icon_chat.gif' width=10> " + chatwithname + "</span>") .appendTo($("#bb_bar"));
// .appendTo($( "body" ));

$("#chatbox_button_"+chatboxtitle).css('bottom', '0px');
$("#chatbox_button_"+chatboxtitle).css('right', dist + 'px');
$("#chatbox_button_"+chatboxtitle).css('z-index', '10020');

$(" <div />" ).attr("id","chatbox_"+chatboxtitle)
.html('<div class="chatboxhead"><div class="chatboxtitle">' + chatwithname + '</div><div class="chatboxoptions"><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript:bb_minimise(\''+chatboxtitle+'\')">-</a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript:bb_close(\''+chatboxtitle+'\')">X</a></div><br clear="all"/></div><div class="chatboxcontent"></div><div class="chatboxinput"><textarea name="chat_' + chatboxtitle + '" class="chatboxtextarea" onkeydown="javascript:return checkChatBoxInputKey(event,this,\''+chatboxtitle+'\');"></textarea></div>')

$("#chatbox_" + chatboxtitle + " .chatboxcontent" ).append($.cookie(chatboxtitle + "_html"));
$("#chatbox_" + chatboxtitle + " .chatboxcontent").scrollTop($("#chatbox_" + chatboxtitle + " .chatboxcontent")[0].scrollHeight);

try {
$(document).ready(function (){
setTimeout('removeTinyMCE("chat_' + chatboxtitle + '")', 500);
} catch (e) {

// .appendTo($( "body" ));

$("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle).css('bottom', '25px');

$("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle).css('right', dist + 'px');

$("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle+" .chatboxtextarea").blur(function(){
//chatboxFocus[chatboxtitle] = false;
$("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle+" .chatboxtextarea").removeClass('chatboxtextareaselected');
//chatboxFocus[chatboxtitle] = true;
//newMessages[chatboxtitle] = false;
$('#chatbox_'+chatboxtitle+' .chatboxhead').removeClass('chatboxblink');
$("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle+" .chatboxtextarea").addClass('chatboxtextareaselected');

$("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle).click(function() {
if ($('#chatbox_'+chatboxtitle+' .chatboxcontent').css('display') != 'none') {
$("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle+" .chatboxtextarea").focus();

$("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle+" .chatboxtextarea").focus();

if (bb_chat_windows.length > 0) {
for (var box in bb_chat_windows) {
$("#chatbox_" + bb_chat_windows[box] + ":visible").hide();

bb_chat_cookie.push(chatboxtitle + "|" + chatwithname + "|visible");
//$.cookie("bb_chat_cookie", bb_chat_cookie.join(","), { path: "/"});

// Start checking for messages
timer = setTimeout(checkMessages, 500);
easing = 500;
easecount = 0;

if (!bb_chat_messages.keyExists(chatboxtitle)) {
bb_chat_messages[chatboxtitle] = new Array();

if ($.cookie(chatboxtitle) != null) {
bb_chat_messages[chatboxtitle] = $.cookie(chatboxtitle).split("|~|");
bb_chat_msg_pos[chatboxtitle] = bb_chat_messages[chatboxtitle].length;

} else {
if (typeof chatwithname != "undefined") {
showBBChatDiv("chatbox_" + chatboxtitle);

var easecount = 0;

function checkMessages() {
var newMessage = false;
$.get("<?php echo $CONFIG->wwwroot; ?>mod/bottom_bar/chat.php?action=rx", function(data) {
if (data != "") {
try {
newMessage = true;
msg = data.split("|",3);
// See if the window is open already, and if not, add it ...
if (bb_chat_windows.indexOf(msg[0]) == -1) {
addChat(msg[0], msg[1]);

// Update the div with the message
var message = bbParseText(msg[2].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"").replace(/\n/g,'<br />'));

if (message.substring(0,3)=="/me") {
message = message.substring(3).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");

if (message.substring(0,1)=="'")
$("#chatbox_"+msg[0]+" .chatboxcontent").append('<div class="chatboxmessage"><span class="chatboxmessagefrom">' + msg[1] + '</span><span class="chatboxmessagecontent">' + message + '</span></div>');
$("#chatbox_"+msg[0]+" .chatboxcontent").append('<div class="chatboxmessage"><span class="chatboxmessagefrom">' + msg[1] + '&nbsp;</span><span class="chatboxmessagecontent">' + message + '</span></div>');
} else {
$("#chatbox_"+msg[0]+" .chatboxcontent").append('<div class="chatboxmessage"><span class="chatboxmessagefrom">' + msg[1] + ':&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><span class="chatboxmessagecontent">'+message+'</span></div>');
$("#chatbox_"+msg[0]+" .chatboxcontent").scrollTop($("#chatbox_" + msg[0] + " .chatboxcontent")[0].scrollHeight);

// Now flash the notification bar and play a sound if needed

if (!$("#chatbox_" + msg[0]).is(':visible')) {
$("#chatbox_button_" + msg[0]).css('background','#ff0000');

$.sound.play("<?php echo $CONFIG->wwwroot; ?>mod/bottom_bar/sounds/chatter.wav");

// $.cookie(msg[0] + "_html", $("#chatbox_" + msg[0] + " .chatboxcontent").html(), { path: "/"});

easing = 500;
easecount = 0;

// } else {
// alert("no messages");
} catch (ex) {


if (easing < 10000 && newMessage == false && easecount++ > 30) {
easing = (easing * 1.5) > 10000 ? 10000 : (easing * 1.5);
timer = setTimeout(checkMessages, easing);

function updateChatHistoryCookie(id) {
var last = $("#chatbox_" + id + " .chatboxcontent").html();
if (last.length >= 2000) {
while (last.length > 2000 && last.toLowerCase().indexOf("</div>")!=-1) {
last = last.substring(last.indexOf("</div>")+6);
if (last.length <= 2000) $.cookie(id + "_html", last, { path: "/" });

function checkChatBoxInputKey(event,chatboxtextarea,chatboxtitle) {
if(event.keyCode == 38 && bb_chat_messages.length >= 0) {
var pos = bb_chat_msg_pos[chatboxtitle]==0 ? 0 : --bb_chat_msg_pos[chatboxtitle];
return false;

if(event.keyCode == 40 && bb_chat_messages.length != 0) {
var pos = bb_chat_msg_pos[chatboxtitle]==bb_chat_messages[chatboxtitle].length ? bb_chat_messages[chatboxtitle].length : ++bb_chat_msg_pos[chatboxtitle];

if (pos >= bb_chat_messages[chatboxtitle].length) {
} else {

return false;

if(event.keyCode == 13 && event.shiftKey == 0) {

message = $(chatboxtextarea).val();
origmsg = message.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
message = bbParseText(message.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"").replace(/\n/g,'<br />'));

chatboxtextarea.value = "";
if (message != '') {
$.get("<?php echo $CONFIG->wwwroot; ?>mod/bottom_bar/chat.php?action=tx", {from: '<?php echo $_SESSION['user']->guid; ?>' ,to: chatboxtitle, message: origmsg} , function(data, status){
if (message.substring(0,3)=="/me") {
message = message.substring(3).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
if (message.substring(0,1)=="'")
$("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle+" .chatboxcontent").append('<div class="chatboxmessage"><span class="chatboxmessagefrom"><?php echo $_SESSION['user']->name; ?></span><span class="chatboxmessagecontent">' + message + '</span></div>');
$("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle+" .chatboxcontent").append('<div class="chatboxmessage"><span class="chatboxmessagefrom"><?php echo $_SESSION['user']->name; ?>&nbsp;</span><span class="chatboxmessagecontent">' + message + '</span></div>');
} else {
$("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle+" .chatboxcontent").append('<div class="chatboxmessage"><span class="chatboxmessagefrom"><?php echo $_SESSION['user']->name; ?>:&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><span class="chatboxmessagecontent">'+message+'</span></div>');
$("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle+" .chatboxcontent").scrollTop($("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle+" .chatboxcontent")[0].scrollHeight);
bb_chat_msg_pos[chatboxtitle] = bb_chat_messages[chatboxtitle].length;

$.cookie(chatboxtitle,bb_chat_messages[chatboxtitle].join("|~|"), { path: "/"});
// $.cookie(chatboxtitle + "_html", $("#chatbox_" + chatboxtitle + " .chatboxcontent").html(), { path: "/"});

return false;

var adjustedHeight = chatboxtextarea.clientHeight;
var maxHeight = 94;

if (maxHeight > adjustedHeight) {
adjustedHeight = Math.max(chatboxtextarea.scrollHeight, adjustedHeight);
if (maxHeight)
adjustedHeight = Math.min(maxHeight, adjustedHeight);
if (adjustedHeight > chatboxtextarea.clientHeight)
$(chatboxtextarea).css('height',adjustedHeight+8 +'px');
} else {


function showBBChatDiv(div) {
for (var check = 0; check < bb_chat_windows.length; check++)
var test = "chatbox_" + bb_chat_windows[check];
var name = $("#" + test + " .chatboxtitle").html();
if (name != null) {
if (div != test) {
$("#" + test + ":visible").hide();
bb_chat_cookie[check] = bb_chat_windows[check] + "|" + name + "|hidden";
} else {
$("#chatbox_button_" + bb_chat_windows[check]).css('background','none');
bb_chat_cookie[check] = bb_chat_windows[check] + "|" + name + "|visible";
//$.cookie("bb_chat_cookie", bb_chat_cookie.join(","), { path: "/"});
$("#" + div).show();
$("#" + div + " .chatboxtextarea").focus();

function bb_minimise(id) {
$("#chatbox_" + id + ":visible").hide();
for (var check in bb_chat_windows) {
var test = "chatbox_" + bb_chat_windows[check];
var name = $("#" + test + " .chatboxtitle").html();
if (name != null) {
if (id == bb_chat_windows[check]) {
bb_chat_cookie[check] = bb_chat_windows[check] + "|" + name + "|hidden";
//$.cookie("bb_chat_cookie", bb_chat_cookie.join(","), { path: "/"});

function bb_close(id) {
// On closing a window, work out how many are above it and shuffle their positions down
try {
$("#chatbox_" + id).remove();
$("#chatbox_button_" + id).remove();
if (bb_chat_windows.length > 1) {
var sort = false;
var splice;
for (var box = 0; box < bb_chat_windows.length; box++) {
if (sort) {
var div = bb_chat_windows[box];
var r = parseInt(($("#chatbox_" + div).css('right')).slice(0,-2))-150;
$("#chatbox_" + div).css('right', r + 'px');
$("#chatbox_button_" + div).css('right', r + 'px');
if (bb_chat_windows[box] == id) { 
sort = true; 
splice = box;
} else {
bb_chat_windows = new Array();
bb_chat_cookie = new Array();
catch (err) {

function showMine() {
var mf = document.getElementById("bb_hidden_river_mine").innerHTML;
document.getElementById("bb_notification_main").innerHTML = mf;
document.getElementById("showAll").style.background = "none";
document.getElementById("showMine").style.background = "#ffffff";

function showAll() {
var mf = document.getElementById("bb_hidden_river_all").innerHTML;
document.getElementById("bb_notification_main").innerHTML = mf;
document.getElementById("showAll").style.background = "#ffffff";
document.getElementById("showMine").style.background = "none";

var button_normal_background = document.getElementById("bb_newposts_button").style.background;

function initPage() {
easing = 500;
timer = setTimeout(checkMessages, easing);
notifications = setTimeout(checkNotifications,<?php echo ($refreshRate+10000); ?>);

function initWindows() {
bbwin = new Array();
try {
if ($.cookie("bb_chat_cookie")!= null) {
var bbwinc = $.cookie("bb_chat_cookie");
if (bbwinc.indexOf(",") != -1) {
bbwin = bbwinc.split(",");
} else {
if (bbwin.length > 0) {
for (var i=0; i < bbwin.length; i++) {

catch(err) {

function updateCookie() {
try {
if (bb_chat_cookie.length > 0) {
$.cookie("bb_chat_cookie", bb_chat_cookie.join(","), { path: "/"});
} else {
$.cookie("bb_chat_cookie", "", { path: "/"});
catch (err) {

function reloadWindows(hash) {
var wins = hash.split("|");
if (wins.length == 3) {
if (wins[2]=="hidden") bb_minimise(wins[0]);

function bbIconClick() {
$.sound.play("<?php echo $CONFIG->wwwroot; ?>mod/bottom_bar/sounds/chatter.wav");

function checkNotifications()
$.get("<?php echo $CONFIG->wwwroot; ?>mod/bottom_bar/status.php", function(data) {
if (data == 1) {
// Track if we have played a notification sound
var notified = false;

$.get("<?php echo $CONFIG->wwwroot; ?>mod/bottom_bar/update.php?type=mine", function(data) {
if (data != "") {
$("#bb_hidden_river_mine").html = data;
document.getElementById("bb_notification_main").innerHTML = data;
document.getElementById("showMine").style.background = "#ffffff";
document.getElementById("showAll").style.background = "none";
if (!notified) { 
$.sound.play("<?php echo $CONFIG->wwwroot; ?>mod/bottom_bar/sounds/chatter.wav");
notified = true;

$.get("<?php echo $CONFIG->wwwroot; ?>mod/bottom_bar/update.php?type=all", function(data) {
if (data != "") {
$("#bb_hidden_river_all").html = data;
document.getElementById("bb_notification_main").innerHTML = data;
document.getElementById("showAll").style.background = "#ffffff";
document.getElementById("showMine").style.background = "none";
if (!notified) { 
$.sound.play("<?php echo $CONFIG->wwwroot; ?>mod/bottom_bar/sounds/chatter.wav");
notified = true;

<?php if ($chatEnabled) { ?>
$.get("<?php echo $CONFIG->wwwroot; ?>mod/bottom_bar/friends.php", function(data) {
var split = data.split("|");
document.getElementById("bb_friends_main").innerHTML = split[0];
document.getElementById("bb_friends_count").innerHTML = split[1];
<?php } ?>
setTimeout(checkNotifications, <?php echo $refreshRate; ?>);
} else {
document.getElementById("bb_friends_main").innerHTML = "You have been logged off";
document.getElementById("bb_notification_main").innerHTML = "You have been logged off";
document.getElementById("bb_friendslist_button").innerHTML = "<b style='color: red;'>Logged Off</b>";
if (get_plugin_setting("force_login", "bottom_bar") == "true") 
echo "document.location = '" . $CONFIG->wwwroot . "';"; 

// Smiley replacement code! ;)

var smiley_array = [":)",":D","8)",":P",":P",":o",":O",":(",":'(",";)",":lol:",":mad:",":heartbeat:",":love:",":eprop:",":wave:",":sunny:",":wha:",":yes:",":sleepy:",":rolleyes:",":lookaround:",":eek:",":confused_2:",":nono:",":fun:",":goodjob:",":giggle:",":cry:",":shysmile:",":jealous:",":whocares:",":spinning:",":coolman:",":littlekiss:",":laugh:"];
var smiley_xhtml = ['ss.png','d.png','mafia.png','p.png','p.png','oh.png','oh.png','sad.png','cry.png','zmik.png',"Smileylol.gif","7_mad.gif","heartbeating.gif","SmileLove.gif","eProp.gif","SmileyWave.gif","sunnySmiley.gif","wha.gif","yes.gif","Smileysleep.gif","Smileyrolleyes.gif","SmileyLookaround.gif","Smileyeek.gif","Smileyconfused.gif","SmileyAnimatedNoNo.gif","propeller.gif","goodjob.gif","emot-giggle.gif","blueAnimatedCry.gif","Animatedshysmile.gif","AliceJealous.gif","19_indifferent.gif","Smileyspinning.gif","25_coolguy.gif","AliceSmileyAnimatedBlinkKiss.gif","LaughingAgua.gif"];

function bbParseText(text)
// Check for any html code and disable
ind = text.indexOf("<");
while (ind != -1) {
text = text.replace('<','&#60;');
ind = text.indexOf("<");

ind = text.indexOf(">");
while (ind != -1) {
text = text.replace('>','&#62;');
ind = text.indexOf(">");

// Parse url's and code them

text = text.replace(/((https?\:\/\/|ftp\:\/\/)|(www\.))(\S+)(\w{2,4})(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?/gi,function(url){
nice = url;
if( url.match('^https?:\/\/') ) {
nice = nice.replace(/^https?:\/\//i,'')
} else {
url = 'http://'+url;
if ( url.indexOf('<?php echo substr($CONFIG->wwwroot,7); ?>') != -1)
return '<a rel="nofollow" href="'+ url +'">'+ nice +'</a>';
return '<a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="'+ url +'">'+ nice +'</a>';

// Parse for underline and bold
var b_open = false;

ind = text.indexOf("*");
while (ind != -1) {
if (b_open) {
text = text.replace('*','</b>');
} else {
text = text.replace('*','<b>');
b_open = !b_open;
ind = text.indexOf("*");
if (b_open) text += "</b>";

// Finally parse smiliey
for (var i in smiley_array) {
var smiley_img = '<img alt="" src="<?php echo $CONFIG->wwwroot; ?>mod/bottom_bar/graphics/icons/smilies/' + smiley_xhtml[i] + '" />';
var intIndexOfMatch = text.indexOf(smiley_array[i]);
if (intIndexOfMatch != -1) {
while (intIndexOfMatch != -1) {
text = text.replace(smiley_array[i],smiley_img);
intIndexOfMatch = text.indexOf(smiley_array[i]);

return text;

(function($) { 
$.sound = {
tracks: {},
enabled: true,
template: function(src) {
return '<embed style="height:0" loop="false" src="' + src + '" autostart="true" hidden="true"/>';
play: function(url, options){
if (!this.enabled)
var settings = $.extend({
url: url,
timeout: 2000
}, options);

if (settings.track) {
if (this.tracks[settings.track]) {
var current = this.tracks[settings.track];
// TODO check when Stop is avaiable, certainly not on a jQuery object
current.Stop && current.Stop();

var element = $.browser.msie
? $('<bgsound/>').attr({
src: settings.url,
loop: 1,
autostart: true
: $(this.template(settings.url));


if (settings.track) {
this.tracks[settings.track] = element;

try { 
setTimeout(function() {
}, options.timeout)
} catch(err) {}

return element;


$.sound.enabled = <?php echo ($soundEnabled ? "true" : "false") ; ?>;

jQuery.cookie = function(name, value, options) {
if (typeof value != 'undefined') { // name and value given, set cookie
options = options || {};
if (value === null) {
value = '';
options.expires = -1;
var expires = '';
if (options.expires && (typeof options.expires == 'number' || options.expires.toUTCString)) {
var date;
if (typeof options.expires == 'number') {
date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (options.expires * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
} else {
date = options.expires;
expires = '; expires=' + date.toUTCString(); // use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE
// CAUTION: Needed to parenthesize options.path and options.domain
// in the following expressions, otherwise they evaluate to undefined
// in the packed version for some reason...
var path = options.path ? '; path=' + (options.path) : '';
var domain = options.domain ? '; domain=' + (options.domain) : '';
var secure = options.secure ? '; secure' : '';
document.cookie = [name, '=', encodeURIComponent(value), expires, path, domain, secure].join('');
} else { // only name given, get cookie
var cookieValue = null;
if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') {
var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]);
// Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) {
cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
return cookieValue;