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  • Rusty replied on the discussion topic Poll Plugin by iionly
    Awesome!!!  I new it had to be fairly easy...  Thank you.   view reply
  • iionly replied on the discussion topic Poll Plugin by iionly
    I think it's not very complicated. Edit mod/poll/views/default/forms/poll/edit.php: Replace the lines <div>     <label><?php echo elgg_echo('poll:responses'); ?></label>   ... view reply
  • Rusty added a new discussion topic Poll Plugin by iionly
    I am new to Developing here and am wondering if there is an easy way to eliminate the functionality of the user to add voting choices.  For what I am trying to do I really only want to have One Set Voting Choice (i.e. Yes).   Thanks in...
    • I think it's not very complicated. Edit mod/poll/views/default/forms/poll/edit.php:

      Replace the lines

          <label><?php echo elgg_echo('poll:responses'); ?></label>
          <?php echo elgg_view('poll/input/choices', array('poll' => $poll)); ?>
          <?php echo elgg_view("output/longtext", array("value" => elgg_echo('poll:note_responses'), 'class' => 'elgg-subtext mts')); ?>


          echo elgg_view('input/hidden', array('name' => "number_of_choices", 'value' => 1));
          echo elgg_view('input/hidden', array('name' => "choice_text_0", 'value' => elgg_echo('poll:settings:yes')));

      Then it's no longer possible to add any poll choices when creating or eding a poll. Instead a single choice is added automatically. Choice text in this case would be "yes" (language string 'poll:settings:yes'). If you want another text for the poll choice (still always the same text though), you can add the text in the language file(s) and change the string in elgg_echo(). You could also add more fixed choices. Just add another line corresponding to the second elgg_view line above with the number of "choice_text_0" increased and adjust the value of number_of_choices() in the first elgg_view() call.

    • Awesome!!!  I new it had to be fairly easy...  Thank you.  

  • pierro78 added a new discussion topic polls plugin
    here is an apparently good poll plugin called "polls" by kevinjardine : am a newbie so please tell me if I post in the wrong place)
  • Bigyack replied on the discussion topic Many fixes committed to SVN, give some feedback
    I can't get mine to work. view reply
  • Yakiv replied on the discussion topic Many fixes committed to SVN, give some feedback
    Did anyone notice that all of the avatarish icons, on the Elgg Community, went away?  I only mention this, because I know liri had one of these icons.  ...I apologize; I have been swamped with other projects.  I have not lost interest... view reply
  • Liran Tal replied on the discussion topic Many fixes committed to SVN, give some feedback
    Screenshots please?I'm not having problems with removing it but I'll double-check. Possibly refresh your browser cache Yes, I noticed that too, it's actually a bug from the original tasks plugin. I'll make corrections to that.   view reply
  • jimbob replied on the discussion topic Many fixes committed to SVN, give some feedback
    Apologies Liri - have had a massive amount of work to get done this last week. New version looks great - love the new results display, much more professional! A couple of errors on my installation  ( 1. Adding new... view reply
  • Liran Tal added a new discussion topic Many fixes committed to SVN, give some feedback
    In case you wondered, it's not considered good manners to ask for features and fixes and then run off :-) Update your svn repository checkout and give feedback on errors, improvements and alike... Thanks,Liran Tal.
      1. Screenshots please?
        I'm not having problems with removing it but I'll double-check. Possibly refresh your browser cache
      2. Yes, I noticed that too, it's actually a bug from the original tasks plugin. I'll make corrections to that.


    • Did anyone notice that all of the avatarish icons, on the Elgg Community, went away?  I only mention this, because I know liri had one of these icons.  ...I apologize; I have been swamped with other projects.  I have not lost interest in what you have here and when I get a free moment, I will begin to test.  Thank you, liri, for continuing to work away at this.  It is indeed very important.

    • I can't get mine to work.

  • Liran Tal replied on the discussion topic Testers required
    still waiting on that... view reply
  • jimbob replied on the discussion topic Testers required
    Sorry for the delay. I will test again and post screenshots when I get back from work later on today. view reply
  • Liran Tal added a new discussion topic Screenshots
    Some screenshots.Tell me what do you think about the new CSS layout (my theme is RTL though don't mind that).
  • Liran Tal replied on the discussion topic Testers required
    @jimbob What comments? and how is it incremented exactly? this isn't happening to me. Provide instructions on how to reconstruct please. Poll creators name in the listing view of polls? it works just fine here too. In which view does that... view reply
  • Liran Tal replied on the discussion topic [FEATURE] changing the "results" view
    Nothing to be sorry about, it just had me frustrated. view reply
  • jimbob replied on the discussion topic Testers required
    Ok - just tested quickly and mainly seems fine. I love the dynamic input boxes for each response. A couple of minor issues; 1. 'Comments' gets incremented when a vote is cast for the first time, not the number of responses, although after the... view reply
  • jimbob replied on the discussion topic [FEATURE] changing the "results" view
    Sorry to hear that liri - thanks anyway for trying it out. view reply
  • Yakiv replied on the discussion topic Testers required
    Okay.  ...Are you developing for 1.7? view reply
  • Yakiv replied on the discussion topic [FEATURE] changing the "results" view
    Aha. Again, what can I say? Our apologies to you. view reply
  • Liran Tal replied on the discussion topic [FEATURE] changing the "results" view
    it's not about how "easy" it is to implement or not.I already got to the point where I implemented that silly half-developed and half-documented v2 of the flash chart library. After I have finished implementing it completely I noticed that it's a... view reply
  • Liran Tal replied on the discussion topic Testers required
    elgg 1.5 just checkout the trunk version to the directory name "poll" (if you have it currently installed then disable it first, then checkout, then enable it).   view reply