Thank you DhrupDeScoop for your interest. To answer:
- This is Vladimir's fix (on plugin page for version 1.8.0rc1):
If upload not image on "basic uploader" it create empty TidypicsImage.
fix it:
file: \mod\tidypics\actions\photos\image\upload.php
line: 54 after: $mime = tp_upload_get_mimetype($data['name']);
insert code:
if ($mime == 'unknown') {
array_push($not_uploaded, $data['name']);
array_push($error_msgs, 'tidypics:not_image');
- The issue is not related to image size upload failure.
Any failure during image upload (during the 2nd step of 3 step upload) seems to cause this. E.g. exceeding PHP memory limit. I have not fully investigated all cases. Therefore I only mentioned plugin image size exceed situation.
- fatal error.. non-object in.. '
I get this error at several cases. E.g. when as admin you go and change the access level of an albume created by another user from private to logged in users, and afterwards try to view this image. I get this error. Looks like in such a case, the admin seems to be the owner of the albume. I have not investigated all non-object cases.
Finally, many people on the plugin page report successful use of this great plugin, therefore all these issues might be due to my environment.
oki ;) i think i've seen that problem after incomplete uploads before.. sometime.. i'm not an expert in tidypics at the user level (only the code;) but i'll have a look when i get to some testing tpix next time, soon.
I was able to repeat your problem for usernames with the letter "ö". As it also happens to be a letter used in Turkish, I realized I have the same issue (regardless of whether the user has photos or not, as soon as you click on "mine", you hit this).
So for the issue: Fatal error: Call to a member function getGUID() on a non-object in ...../www/ on line xx (line numbers are 25 and 50).
It looks like the problem is with the $owner->getGUID() method. Probably it can not handle the utf-8 chars.
What I did is: I replaced all references to $owner->getGUID() with elgg_get_page_owner_guid()
Now I do not receive the fatal error but the pictures of the current user are not displayed either. So it is not a solution.
Best Regards.
@Isoguci : as a temporary solution instead of elgg_get_page_owner_guid() try elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid().
PS : Not tested, Not checked.
I think the way is to make a view (plugin) to look at the coppermine gallery from Elgg, that is: keep coppermine as is, don't import anything into Elgg.
Alternate: import the picture album by album from the coppermine picture folder.
I don't think there are any cheap ways to import throu database updates
First, I would try the basic uploader instead of the flash uploader to see if this works (the basic uploader still seems to work more stable in general anyway).
If this does not solve your issue, you might need to check the settings of post_max_size and upload_max_filesize in your .htaccess file and increase them (especially post_max_size needs to be a bit larger than upload_max_filesize).
It could also be a permission issue with your data folder. Does the original picture get uploaded? Does it work to upload avatar pics or pics to the file section? If you can upload pics to the file section and/or upload avatars and they get shown in different sizes on your site, you know at least that the GD extension is working fine.
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