The watermark text is added to the image files during thumbnail creation. Changing the watermark text later won't change the already existing images because at that time the thumbnails are not modified.
But there's the "Thumbnail Creation" tab on the Tidypics plugin settings page where you can re-create the thumbnail of a single image or for all existing images. With the thumbnails newly created they will get the new watermark text.
You can test with a single image (you will need to provide the image entity GUID that you'll find for example in the url of the image entry - the number in the url). If you let ALL image thumbnails re-created please backup the data directory and database first. I don't use the watermark feature myself and had no need to re-create a large number of image thumbnails neither. So, I can't say how long it might take on your site and better have a backup ready in any case!
One (not comfortable) way to embed an image is to use the "Image" menu option of the editor bundled with Elgg (or the Extended Tinymce editor) where you could embed images by providing an image url. For a Tidypics image you can use the image url that is used by the Download image menu entry in the title menu displayed when viewing an image. Not intuitively...
I've coded a simple plugin yesterday that would add a new tab to the bundled Embed popup where you can select the Tidypics image you want to embed in a posting. Right now it just lists all images available on the site. I guess not user-friendly with many images available. I can upload this plugin hopefully soon as it is. Maybe it can be used as a starting point to add some more options for embeding images, e.g. by search for image title or maybe even by adding a "Copy embed link" to Tidypics image pages and then offering a "Paste embed link" on the embed content popup.
Very good! The plugin Tidypics Image Embed functions all right.
Even usable with this version 4.2.2 – just enough to change the version requirement in JSON.
Actually, one functionality of Tidypics Image Embed was to be modified.
It shows all images from all users to select for embedding, which may be confusing. This should be limited to the current user's images.
Solution —
in the file:
echo elgg_list_entities
to add a condition on a new line:
'owner_guid' => elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(),
So far, nobody has asked for such a feature. I don't think I'll implement such a feature either. In the end you can always search for images matching a tag on your site without the need for it to be dealt with already when uploading an image.
Another possibility to get such a feature could be to create a separate plugin that deals with the "virtual" folders / albums. Elgg is flexible enough to get this done looking smooth on the website with additional sidebar menu entries or new tabs. But I won't have time to work on such a plugin either.
It's not about TidyPics or Blog plugins but File plugin.
Every time you upload a file, an event appears in the activity.
It doesn't matter where you do it when creating a blog or when uploading a file normally.
I haven't found a way to do this using Elgg API (none of the hooks I know work for files).
Therefore, I can advise to use the custom view:
With empty code:
You can take my plugin from here so as not to create a new one and put the above file there.
Tidypics supports 3 image libraries: default is GD php extension (which is required to be available by Elgg core). And then there's the Imagick php extension (which you would have to make sure it's installed in your XAMPP environment). Lastly, there's the ImageMagick command line option which makes use of the convert command available within the ImageMagick package. The path to the convert command would only be necessary to provide if you want to use the ImageMagick command line tools.
I have to admit that I can't tell for sure if the ImageMagick option works on XAMPP/Windows. I never tried it and as I have no Windows I couldn't even try it. If you provide the full path to the directory where the convert command, i.e. where you installed ImageMagick to - try also with a slash at the end of the path - it either works or it might be the confirmation that it does not work on Windows. You can also try the path on the ImageMagick tab where you would get some version information provided by the convert command if it's found at the path and can be executed.
If the ImageMagick command line tools option doesn't work on XAMPP, you might try to get the Imagick php extension option to work as it's at least better than the default GD php extension because the latter has quite high memory consumption for resizing images with a high resolution. The other two image libary options don't have these memory issue.
Thank you, iionly, for your detailed response.
I installed the ImageMagick PHP extension and everything appears to be working fine.
The TidyPics Server Information tab displays:
imagick Enabled
exec() Enabled Required for ImageMagick command line
My site's production server is Linux, so the ImageMagick path will probably resolve correctly. If I do manage to get the ImageMagick command line tools working without the PHP extension, I'll post the results.
Thanks again.
Use this PR.
In the future, ask questions to the author of the plugin on the plugin's page ;)
I deleted the line
'filter_id' => 'izap_videos_tabs',
and it is working now. Thank you so much, sorry for posting in the wrong spot!
Thanks for reporting the bug. And thanks for providing the PR already. I'll add the fix in the next release (due to the easy way to correct the problem I won't make a new release immediatelly though).
Don't worry about location you opened the discussion. It's the "Tidypics" group after all. And I got the info about the bug from the posting here, too.
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