Group activity

  • colinliu replied on the discussion topic Improving blog plugin tutorial
    I've updated the blog tutorial: updated to Elgg 1.5 added the missing add page so code is now functional fixed lots of errors If anyone has other suggestions to improve this tutorial, I'm interested.
  • Cash replied on the discussion topic Improving blog plugin tutorial
    I've updated the blog tutorial: updated to Elgg 1.5 added the missing add page so code is now functional fixed lots of errors If anyone has other suggestions to improve this tutorial, I'm interested.
  • colinliu replied on the discussion topic Improving blog plugin tutorial
    I've updated the blog tutorial: updated to Elgg 1.5 added the missing add page so code is now functional fixed lots of errors If anyone has other suggestions to improve this tutorial, I'm interested.
  • Cash replied on the discussion topic Improving blog plugin tutorial
    I've updated the blog tutorial: updated to Elgg 1.5 added the missing add page so code is now functional fixed lots of errors If anyone has other suggestions to improve this tutorial, I'm interested.
  • colinliu replied on the discussion topic Improving blog plugin tutorial
    I've updated the blog tutorial: updated to Elgg 1.5 added the missing add page so code is now functional fixed lots of errors If anyone has other suggestions to improve this tutorial, I'm interested.
  • Cash replied on the discussion topic Improving blog plugin tutorial
    I've updated the blog tutorial: updated to Elgg 1.5 added the missing add page so code is now functional fixed lots of errors If anyone has other suggestions to improve this tutorial, I'm interested.
  • colinliu replied on the discussion topic Improving blog plugin tutorial
    I've updated the blog tutorial: updated to Elgg 1.5 added the missing add page so code is now functional fixed lots of errors If anyone has other suggestions to improve this tutorial, I'm interested.
  • Cash replied on the discussion topic PermissionsCheck example code has errors The example PHP at the bottom - in some cases "myaccess" is used and in other cases "myaccesss" (extra "s") is used.  There needs to be consistency, and preferably the correct spelling method. What...
    • I spent some time today fixing the horrible blog tutorial on the wiki. I can see why so many people complain about the documentation. It still needs more cleanup but I think the code is actually functional now.

      I'll probably check out the permissions override code and see what state that is in...

    • What you're doing there is going to save so many people's headaches Cash, well done mate.

      I feel like it might be worth having _another_ go now that it's been sorted.

    • Hey, Kane, I added a warning to that page until the core developers can decide whether they want to allow plugins access to entities that the user does not have read permissions for.

      If you find more things that can be improved with the documentation, please post them here in this group. Thanks.

  • Phil replied on the discussion topic PermissionsCheck example code has errors The example PHP at the bottom - in some cases "myaccess" is used and in other cases "myaccesss" (extra "s") is used.  There needs to be consistency, and preferably the correct spelling method. What...
    • I spent some time today fixing the horrible blog tutorial on the wiki. I can see why so many people complain about the documentation. It still needs more cleanup but I think the code is actually functional now.

      I'll probably check out the permissions override code and see what state that is in...

    • What you're doing there is going to save so many people's headaches Cash, well done mate.

      I feel like it might be worth having _another_ go now that it's been sorted.

    • Hey, Kane, I added a warning to that page until the core developers can decide whether they want to allow plugins access to entities that the user does not have read permissions for.

      If you find more things that can be improved with the documentation, please post them here in this group. Thanks.

  • Cash added a new discussion topic Improving blog plugin tutorial
    I've updated the blog tutorial: updated to Elgg 1.5 added the missing add page so code is now functional fixed lots of errors If anyone has other suggestions to improve this tutorial, I'm interested.
  • Cash replied on the discussion topic PermissionsCheck example code has errors The example PHP at the bottom - in some cases "myaccess" is used and in other cases "myaccesss" (extra "s") is used.  There needs to be consistency, and preferably the correct spelling method. What...
    • I spent some time today fixing the horrible blog tutorial on the wiki. I can see why so many people complain about the documentation. It still needs more cleanup but I think the code is actually functional now.

      I'll probably check out the permissions override code and see what state that is in...

    • What you're doing there is going to save so many people's headaches Cash, well done mate.

      I feel like it might be worth having _another_ go now that it's been sorted.

    • Hey, Kane, I added a warning to that page until the core developers can decide whether they want to allow plugins access to entities that the user does not have read permissions for.

      If you find more things that can be improved with the documentation, please post them here in this group. Thanks.

  • Kane replied on the discussion topic PermissionsCheck example code has errors The example PHP at the bottom - in some cases "myaccess" is used and in other cases "myaccesss" (extra "s") is used.  There needs to be consistency, and preferably the correct spelling method. What...
    • I spent some time today fixing the horrible blog tutorial on the wiki. I can see why so many people complain about the documentation. It still needs more cleanup but I think the code is actually functional now.

      I'll probably check out the permissions override code and see what state that is in...

    • What you're doing there is going to save so many people's headaches Cash, well done mate.

      I feel like it might be worth having _another_ go now that it's been sorted.

    • Hey, Kane, I added a warning to that page until the core developers can decide whether they want to allow plugins access to entities that the user does not have read permissions for.

      If you find more things that can be improved with the documentation, please post them here in this group. Thanks.

  • Cash replied on the discussion topic PermissionsCheck example code has errors The example PHP at the bottom - in some cases "myaccess" is used and in other cases "myaccesss" (extra "s") is used.  There needs to be consistency, and preferably the correct spelling method. What...
    • I spent some time today fixing the horrible blog tutorial on the wiki. I can see why so many people complain about the documentation. It still needs more cleanup but I think the code is actually functional now.

      I'll probably check out the permissions override code and see what state that is in...

    • What you're doing there is going to save so many people's headaches Cash, well done mate.

      I feel like it might be worth having _another_ go now that it's been sorted.

    • Hey, Kane, I added a warning to that page until the core developers can decide whether they want to allow plugins access to entities that the user does not have read permissions for.

      If you find more things that can be improved with the documentation, please post them here in this group. Thanks.

  • Kane added a new discussion topic PermissionsCheck example code has errors The example PHP at the bottom - in some cases "myaccess" is used and in other cases "myaccesss" (extra "s") is used.  There needs to be consistency, and preferably the correct spelling method. What...
    • I spent some time today fixing the horrible blog tutorial on the wiki. I can see why so many people complain about the documentation. It still needs more cleanup but I think the code is actually functional now.

      I'll probably check out the permissions override code and see what state that is in...

    • What you're doing there is going to save so many people's headaches Cash, well done mate.

      I feel like it might be worth having _another_ go now that it's been sorted.

    • Hey, Kane, I added a warning to that page until the core developers can decide whether they want to allow plugins access to entities that the user does not have read permissions for.

      If you find more things that can be improved with the documentation, please post them here in this group. Thanks.

  • shillo replied on the discussion topic Getting Started Guide
    Phil suggested adding a getting started guide to the Elgg documentation What should this cover?
    • Dear phil, I too didn't have any such intention.

      Reworded, it looks fine , especially the addition "to work with elgg, to gather some (as I have had to) or will struggle until they have". It describes the whole process -- beginning as a beginner and go and go on, picking a piece of code-hack from here, and helping out a less-informed person there ... 

      Besides, I am fully aware that some Elggers like yourself spend hours here.

      @ Cash

      Thanks. Carlos or Dhrup has told me that. I feel it will be better if that part of the engine/settings.php file comes with a comment like "not implemented" or something to the effect, so that reckless people like me won't head into the 2-db temptation. LOL!


    • hi.. good topic ... nice group.... please wake-up   :)

      I sure that the documantation has improved greatly. I wish that the highly skilled elgg user, the ones that have no need for documentation will put some off their ime and effort into building a goodone.

      Most comments above still aplly today .. almost two years after !!

      Let's improve our community by rewriting and re-organizing the very important elgg guide  


    • Hello, I am new to elgg. I just discovered about it and love it. It is a great tool. I have successfully installed it on localhost. I need help with customizing the front page, which is the page a user logs in or registers. I simply need a manual on how to change/add things around, before log in and after log in. Can anyone point me to the right direction? Thank you.

  • Phil replied on the discussion topic Getting Started Guide
    Phil suggested adding a getting started guide to the Elgg documentation What should this cover?
    • Dear phil, I too didn't have any such intention.

      Reworded, it looks fine , especially the addition "to work with elgg, to gather some (as I have had to) or will struggle until they have". It describes the whole process -- beginning as a beginner and go and go on, picking a piece of code-hack from here, and helping out a less-informed person there ... 

      Besides, I am fully aware that some Elggers like yourself spend hours here.

      @ Cash

      Thanks. Carlos or Dhrup has told me that. I feel it will be better if that part of the engine/settings.php file comes with a comment like "not implemented" or something to the effect, so that reckless people like me won't head into the 2-db temptation. LOL!


    • hi.. good topic ... nice group.... please wake-up   :)

      I sure that the documantation has improved greatly. I wish that the highly skilled elgg user, the ones that have no need for documentation will put some off their ime and effort into building a goodone.

      Most comments above still aplly today .. almost two years after !!

      Let's improve our community by rewriting and re-organizing the very important elgg guide  


    • Hello, I am new to elgg. I just discovered about it and love it. It is a great tool. I have successfully installed it on localhost. I need help with customizing the front page, which is the page a user logs in or registers. I simply need a manual on how to change/add things around, before log in and after log in. Can anyone point me to the right direction? Thank you.

  • Cash replied on the discussion topic Getting Started Guide
    Phil suggested adding a getting started guide to the Elgg documentation What should this cover?
    • Dear phil, I too didn't have any such intention.

      Reworded, it looks fine , especially the addition "to work with elgg, to gather some (as I have had to) or will struggle until they have". It describes the whole process -- beginning as a beginner and go and go on, picking a piece of code-hack from here, and helping out a less-informed person there ... 

      Besides, I am fully aware that some Elggers like yourself spend hours here.

      @ Cash

      Thanks. Carlos or Dhrup has told me that. I feel it will be better if that part of the engine/settings.php file comes with a comment like "not implemented" or something to the effect, so that reckless people like me won't head into the 2-db temptation. LOL!


    • hi.. good topic ... nice group.... please wake-up   :)

      I sure that the documantation has improved greatly. I wish that the highly skilled elgg user, the ones that have no need for documentation will put some off their ime and effort into building a goodone.

      Most comments above still aplly today .. almost two years after !!

      Let's improve our community by rewriting and re-organizing the very important elgg guide  


    • Hello, I am new to elgg. I just discovered about it and love it. It is a great tool. I have successfully installed it on localhost. I need help with customizing the front page, which is the page a user logs in or registers. I simply need a manual on how to change/add things around, before log in and after log in. Can anyone point me to the right direction? Thank you.

Feedback and Planning

Feedback and Planning

Discussions about the past, present, and future of Elgg and this community site.