Hi Kev, ur default style of calendar is sooo hard to use. I have to click left button about 60 times just to get to the year that i want. So here's a couple changes that maybe other users can use to just slightly improve ur calendar view (not a programmer so don't ask me anything, i wont be to answer it anyway)
1. (Necessary step or not i don't know) It takes the event calendar plugin, copy the datepicker.php to form/views/default/form/input
2. Go to form/models and edit field_types.php
3. copy this and put it under THIS (the one u copy)
'calendar' => (object) array(
'label' => elgg_echo('form:profile_calendar_label'),
'input_view' => 'input/calendar',
'output_view' => 'output/calendar'
4. Edit it to this
'datepicker' => (object) array(
'label' => elgg_echo('form:profile_datepicker_label'),
'input_view' => 'input/datepicker',
'output_view' => 'output/calendar'
The type of calendar used will be the ones like event calendar plug. In the output i still use calendar because if i change it to datepicker somehow it affects the siteaccess_demo plugin.
What this gives you;
Another type of field just under the calendar, and it uses the event calendar type of celendar
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