I'm trying to create an alternate view for a plugin but can't find a way to do this...
I would like to display a list of entities within a table.
So I tried to override the view defined in page/components/list.php by creating a file in my_plugin/views/default/page/components/ but it does'nt work. I also tried to add elgg_set_view_location('page/components/list',$CONFIG->pluginspath . 'my_plugin/views/default/page/components/)... still does'nt work. I disabled cache too...
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks a lot
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- Evan Winslow@ewinslow
Evan Winslow - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.Elgg doesn't have good table support ATM, unfortunately. Best way to do it right now is use elgg_get_entities* and build the table yourself.