A new project for the Open Source

Hi everyone,

I will be 18 at the end of the month and I love Elgg. I have a new project : an open-source social network.

Here is the manifest of the project : http://www.your-itouch.fr/about/about

This page is extract from the site but all the links have been deactivated because i am still working on it but here is a preview of my development :


I took facebook sprites and I rebuilt facebook theme plugin to clone the amazing facebook user interface.

Of course I use Elgg and I would like some recommendations or advices because it's my first real project built with Elgg. (The code will be soon available on Github, and it's open source)

If you want to participate, to critic, to help me; just email me : webmaster@your-itouch.fr

Thanks to all, and to the Elgg Team to bring us awesome tools