I have seen a lot of people ask this question on the web and here in the community, but I have yet to find a solid answer. I am trying to maintain one elgg session accross multiple subdomains such as:
docs.elgg.org and community.elgg.org.
With other applications and sites I've built, this solution has helped, but it does not work with Elgg.
I am assuming Elgg is setting the session cookie in a way that I need to modify. Any ideas or help? Thanks in advance.
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- ihayredinov@ihayredinov

ihayredinov - 0 likes
- ElggHeader@jpound

ElggHeader - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.I would stick to domain's session id, expose a method to exchange session id for user's guid, and then login the user.
This ended up being the solution:
It is a core hack, but we really needed it. In sessions.php:
Add this line:
session_set_cookie_params(0, "/", ".yourdomain.com");
right before the "session_start();" on line 501.
Make sure you put the "." in front of your domain.