I am using elgg 1.8.2 and when ever a few users invite thier friends, let us say about 200 to 300 invites, my site goes down with this error:
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/xfile/public_html/engine/lib/database.php on line 274
How can I fix this issue?
My site is on a dedicated server with 8 Gig ram and duel cpu and 100 Mbps dedicated line. If the site is going down with 10 users inviting about 300 users, what will happen when 1000s invite 100,000?
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- Matt Beckett@Beck24

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- DhrupDeScoop@Dhrup2000

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- fareed@fareed

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- fareed@fareed

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- DhrupDeScoop@Dhrup2000

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- fareed@fareed

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- DhrupDeScoop@Dhrup2000

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- Cash@costelloc

Cash - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.increase your allowed execution time in php.ini
google it, it's well documented.
Weelll ;-oO;X;P
Yr Server Specs are same / similar to mine
We can shoot out 200,000++ EMails in abt a cpl hrs
Yr issue gotta be some php exec-time funkiness
Tho - if u r @dedicated - u better knowz yr apache configx stuff
@ Matt Beckett now that php.ini is changed a new error appears
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 0 seconds exceeded in /home/xfile/public_html/engine/lib/database.php on line 427
@DhrupDescoop is there a way to figure out what exactly is wrong, because this is simply killing me.
max = 0 secs ???
what does yr php.ini say ?
max_execution_time = ?
I thought max_execution_time "0" would make it unlimited.
Also is there a bulk email inviter for 1.8.2 version with a cron job?
zero @ individual php.ini = unlimited but.. what limits does yr server impose ?
'cron' ?
which cron ?
elgg''s poor-man pseudo-cron or real linux crontab ?
elgg don't have real cron anything 'plugin'
gotta code yr cron/bash/php cli yrself.
If you are expecting your users to invite hundreds or thousands of people, you'll need to implement something that sends out the invites asynchronously.