I am a total newb brand new user of Elgg... I am using it for a project that I am working on with my 8th grade students. Ultiamtely, I want them to be able to login, upload PDF files + paste the actual content of the file into a blog COMMENT. Those blog comments would then be rated (1-5 stars) and commented on by other student users.
I have figured out the file upload, the star rating system, etc. BUT I cannot figure out how to limit users so that they cannot post NEW blog pages, etc.
Am I missing setting options to limit users (And possibly groups, although I have disabled groups...) I am running 1.8 and I have not seen any plugin options that would allow me to set permissions for users OR groups of users...
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- Cash@costelloc
Cash - 0 likes
- iionly@iionly
iionly - 0 likes
- Solcjoye@Solcjoye
Solcjoye - 0 likes
- Solcjoye@Solcjoye
Solcjoye - 0 likes
- 13net@_13net
13net - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.Why would they paste the content into a comment on a blog rather than on the file that they uploaded?
Maybe the Spam throttle plugin will suit your needs:
I haven't tried it out myself, but the description says:
I don't know if this refers to total number within a specific time or total number in general. But you could take a look a see if it helps you.
Cash: I was thinking (This is for 8th graders...) that it would seem more straightforward to do it this way, however, last night I was toying with it and did exactly as you said... that does seem to be MORE straightforward and simplistic <-- always a good thing when dealing with adolescents!
Iionly: I think flipping the system and uploading the file and THEN commenting on the specific file instead of vice versa works better (for my needs at least) and uses one less plugin anyways - BUT THANK YOU!
So, here is another question related to the above... and I think I may know the answer already but is there a way to DISABLE / REMOVE the "ADD BLOG POST" for all users but admin?
Is there a way to do this from a plugin or actual code modification if not through the admin tools?
@Solcjoye:the "Frontgroup" plugin may suite your needs - http://community.elgg.org/pg/plugins/project/817134