How would I change the "posted 1234 Days ago", to "posted on Dec 20, 2011" on Elgg 1.8? Thanks
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function elgg_view_friendly_time($time) {
return elgg_view('output/friendlytime', array('time' => $time));
So, by modifying 'view/default/output/friendlytime.php'
Hey there, thatnks for the response. Do I replace everything with that line? I'm on Elgg 1.8.1, thanks
@Chris - look at the friendlytime.php file, you'll see how the output is calculated. You'll want to overwrite the view in a plugin with your new calculations, so copy the core file to <yourpluginname>/views/default/output/friendlytime.php and adjust the output to your needs.
Thanks for the info Matt, I'm a little skittish about trying to code my own plugin as I'm not familiar with php. Maybe I'll wait for someone who knows what they're doing to make a plugin.
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Create a folder "myplugin" in mod/
Copy and edit a manifest files from any other plugin.
Create a folder called 'views', in there create a folder 'default', in there create a folder 'output', in there create a file 'friendlytime.php'.
Copy the following into friendlytime.php:
$friendly_time = date("M j, Y", ($vars['time']);
$timestamp = htmlspecialchars(date(elgg_echo('friendlytime:date_format'), $vars['time']));
echo "<acronym title=\"$timestamp\">$friendly_time</acronym>";
Activate your plugin. That should be it.
I would really suggest you take a look at Elgg documentation and start learning php. Before one 1 year ago, I haven't done any programming whatsoever.
Hey Ismayil,
I did everything you said and it's asking for a "start.php", so I created one and added the following code to it.
elgg_register_action("friendlytime/views/default/output/", dirname(__FILE__) . "/friendlytime/views/default/output/friendlytime.php");
I did read some docs and this is what I came up with, when I activate the plugin I get a white page. I'm thinking the start.php is wrong.
no no. you don't need to register any actions in start.php
Just do this:
elgg_register_event_handler('init', 'system', 'myplugin_init');
function myplugin_init() {
You don't need anything else in there. In the future, if you would like to register actions or extend views, you can do it in your myplugin_init function. Otherwise, leave it blank for now.
I posted that code in start.php and got this error
Fatal Error.
Redirect could not be issued due to headers already being sent. Halting execution for security. Search for more information.
Make sure start.php starts with <?php (no spaces before)
Do not close start.php with ?>
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