I'm getting this error when I search on my site. I saw there was a similar post but the answer went completely over my head. Have I made a mistake and is there a simple fix?
The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes
QUERY: SELECT count(DISTINCT a.id) as total FROM elgg_annotations a
JOIN elgg_metastrings msn ON a.name_id = msn.id
JOIN elgg_metastrings msv ON a.value_id = msv.id
JOIN elgg_entities e ON a.entity_guid = e.guid
WHERE msn.string IN ('generic_comment', 'group_topic_post')
AND ((MATCH (msv.string) AGAINST ('+amyl' IN BOOLEAN MODE)))
AND ( (1 = 1) and e.enabled='yes')
AND ( (1 = 1) and a.enabled='yes')
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Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
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- Cash@costelloc
![Cash Cash](https://elgg.org/serve-file/e0/l1267894262/di/c0/pRrB2qk7pG1BYtsepCNCLWoBkzVNKP7oT5082lx3pWs/5000/8854/profile/8854tiny.jpg)
Cash - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.Elgg uses MyISAM which supports FULLTEXT. Any normal install of Elgg uses that unless someone changes the table type.