I can't remember what version I was looking at... 1.7 or 1.8 ... when first deciding to use Elgg but I could have sworn I saw the content access level on posts. One of the reasons I decided to use Elgg was due to the access features, and I thought it important members see what any given access level was on a piece of content before commenting.
Was I simply seeing things? lol Or has this been removed?
Either case, I would like to put such ability in my site. So I'm guessing I will need to override lots and lots of views?
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- Matt Beckett@Beck24
Matt Beckett - 0 likes
- ihayredinov@ihayredinov
ihayredinov - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.I think you were seeing things, I haven't seen this in either 1.7 or 1.8.
The owner of the content can set the level, and can edit it, but everyone else can either see the content if they have access or they can't if they don't.
If you want to add it, you may get lucky if you can find a view to extend that covers the majority of possibilities. I don't know off hand what view would be best, and it probably depends a lot on your theme.
It's an Elgg 1.8 feature. Access level is appended to entity header menu, e.g. in blogs.