Excuse me for my English, I will try to explain me so better be possible.
It is my problem: I am working with an Elgg 1.7.1 based platform, and putted on line, we found a database issue:
Records (in entities table) site type without his sites_entity table record.
In some records, his guid field value corresponds to an users_entity table record.
I have not found the problem source, what can be wrong, but I would know if this is an known elgg bug for 1.7.1 version, of someone had this experience or similar.
Best regards..!
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You must log in to post replies.Try the Dbvalidator plugin.
Thanks for your comment,
but I found these plugin, I need know what are broking my database. Each so time, new broken entities appears.
If there are some bug into elgg engine code, I would do something to fix it.
What type of hosting you are using? and which all thirdparty plugins?
I am using an virutal server, without thirdparty plugins... In this case, we are working in reordering of the engine leaving only data access functions.
I would know if someone experienced this issue... I think, may be known bug.
To solve it, I repaired the database manually, but I cant measure damage caused by this error because for some situations I deleted broken entities from database. (entities record wihtout sites_entity, or users_entity table record).
Since, so far I had no problems.. the system is working fine, but I would know about that was caused it, to prevent future damages....
It is so strange...
I haven't used anything prior to 1.7.8 but I haven't had any issues with broken entities, and I doubt that's a core bug. You'll need to be a bit more descriptive about what exactly is broken with the entities.
Not sure what you mean there...
This is normal. A user is an entity, and will have a guid that is registered in the entities table.
So you've made changes to the core code of Elgg? That would be the first place I would look for any problems.
Ok, I will try to explain me better...
It means that when I try to call elgg_get_entities(array('type'=>'site')); an error occurs. It because Elgg get the record from entities table, but when try to get the record from sites_entity table, it has been deleted, or has not created... then can't do an array_merge($entities_record, null).... To fix it, I must delete the entities table record, or set to enabled=no, or manually create sites_entity record... (invent..!)
In this case, I get using SQL sites broken, like as previous explanation... But, the guid entity I can found in users_entity table!!!.. Then I think: "something has changed type value in entities table"... but... how? I dont understand it.. Bad manipulation? Manteinance operations? I dont know. I am in investigation, each time, some entities appears broken....
Really, I doubt that an error can be originated by reordering. When I say "reordering", it means that I leave only data access functions.. For example: elgg_get_entityes(), get_entity(), crate_entity(), update_entity(), delete_entity(),.... for entities, objects, users, sites, groups, metadata, private settings, and annotations....
If Dbvalidator plugin exists, it means that elgg have some problems with the database.
A imporant point is that the database havent how ensure referential integrity, like foreign keys, indexes, transactions, etc... Try to ensure referential integrity by php code, is not a good idea... O.O ---
I just tested both cases on my installation and there's no break.
In fact the plugin I'm working on right now uses elgg_get_entities('types' => array('user')) with perfect results.
All I can suggest is making a clean install and testing on that, then looking for the differences. Not much else I can tell you, good luck!
ok... no problem.. thanks for your time...
I will go on investigation...
If I found any bug, I will want to report to community!!