Mod to Event Manager

Newbie to php


event_manager plugin

I need to change what details of an event are displayed in the widget provided by this plugin. In event_manager\views\widgets\events\view.php I have this code which I suspect dictates what is displayed...

$event_options["limit"] = $vars['entity']->num_display;


$events = event_manager_search_events($event_options);

$content = elgg_view_entity_list($events['entities'], 0, 0, 5, false);




echo $content; 


Can anyone inform me what each line does?

  • Here's the DDS taxonomy on  EventManager View.Phpfor you :-

    1) assigns value to the associative array $event_options
    2) assigns to the variable $events the results ofo the function call event_manager_search_events
    3) assigns to the variable $content the results ofo the function call elgg_view_entity_list
    4) calls function set_context
    5) display the contents of variable $content