i already have the default elgg powered by logo/url in the footer (as it came)
but how do i remove it from the top (next to my avatar)?
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Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
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You can du that with the code below in start.php
elgg_unregister_menu_item('topbar', 'elgg_logo');
so sorry for question
which start.php ??
in other words, in which directory (path to that url) .... please
Just create any (simplest) plugin -- with only manifest & start.php -- with that unregister code above ;)
i tried it but did not worked
i created a widget called 'test' and placed in mod directory
the 'test' directory (within the mod directory) only had the start.php and the manifest.xml
the start.php file only had
elgg_unregister_menu_item('topbar', 'elgg_logo');
and that's it
i did not create a views directory or anything else
what i did wrong?
You need to have the plugin_init function too http://docs.elgg.org/wiki/Plugin_development#start.php
still no work
logo stills shows
and in admin some things look aweful
here is the entire code for my start.php
function yourplugin_init() {
elgg_unregister_menu_item('topbar', 'elgg_logo');
register_elgg_event_handler('init', 'system', 'yourplugin_init');
it should work - i found my (old) code to do the same.
elgg_register_event_handler('init', 'system', 'custom_theme_init');
function custom_theme_init()
elgg_unregister_menu_item('topbar', 'elgg_logo');
unless you have cache problems ;-o
should it be at the top or bottom of plugin list?
or it does not matter where?
what it does is that it removes profile avatar
which causes user name to appear instead
Is your plugin named "yourplugin"?
Try to run www.your-installation.com/upgrade.php
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