I've uploaded what seems to be a stable version of the new Elgg 1.8 event calendar to github here:
At this point I don't recommend that you install it on a production site, but I am keen to get as much testing and as many bug reports as possible so please try it out!
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There is no difference between the event calendar's use of elgg_register_library and any other plugin. So if you are having trouble loading libraries, I think that you are going to have trouble running Elgg generally as most plugins of any size use libraries, including many core ones.
I want to thank you for the good work!!! Really!!
i don't want to disturb, but do you have an idea when the final version will be released?
Thank You!!
Txai, I have no idea. The plugin is under heavy development right now. You can try either the master or "full" version on github and see if it works for you.
Ok, Thanks for the answer anyway!
For anyone getting Could not load the elgg:event_calendar library from /home/xxx/public_html/client Just make sure the plugin folder is event_calendar, it seems to be hardcoded to that, though I assume you can go into the code and change that
Thanks zK9!
Hi. I tested the version "master" and "full" on github in elgg v1.8.6.
In both cases I can not create events. Although complete all required fields comes the error:
"Error: There was an error in saving your event. Please make sure that you have provided the required fields."
I can't reproduce your problem. I just tested the "full" branch version on a new Elgg 1.8.6 install and had no trouble creating an event. I suggest that you disable any third party plugins you might have and try again.
Did you change any of the default event calendar settings?
I disabled third-party plugins and the problem persists.
I change the setting "Make all visible fields except long description required" to "yes" and all fields (except long description and dates) become mandatory, Although complete all required fields comes the error: "Error: There was an error in saving your event. Please make sure that you have provided the required fields."
Disabling this option I can create events.
Thanks for your quick response
is this plugin ready for production sites?
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