I've uploaded what seems to be a stable version of the new Elgg 1.8 event calendar to github here:
At this point I don't recommend that you install it on a production site, but I am keen to get as much testing and as many bug reports as possible so please try it out!
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Hi Kevin,
How far is this event calendar from being stable for 1.8?
/The Muller
Hi everybody,
I've the same Warning as mdkberry:
Deprecated in 1.8: settings/event_calendar/edit was deprecated in favor of plugins/event_calendar/settings Called from [#8] /var/www/.../elgg/engine/lib/views.php:503
I think that I had to rename two files (edit.php to settings.php)
Is that right?
I tried to rename .../views/default/settings/event_calender/edit.php in settings.php but after that I can't see my Configuration-Site for Event Calender, so undo!
Could anyone tell me please a Solution?
Deprecated in 1.8: input/pulldown was deprecated by input/dropdown
Go to: .../views/default/settings/event_calender/edit.php and change input/pulldown to input/dropdown. <-- In my case, it was the Solution...
Another Round =)
two Warnings when I go to 'Event Calender' on Dashboard Menu.
It shows the Calender Menu but in a wrong representation I think.
Deprecated in 1.8: The metatags view has been deprecated. Extend page/elements/head instead Called from [#6] .../elgg/engine/lib/views.php:503
Deprecated in 1.8: page_draw() was deprecated in favor of elgg_view_page() in 1.8. Called from [#1] .../elgg/mod/event_calendar/show_events.php:209
Reference to the Secont Warning:
I tried to rename at the show_events.php the page_draw() to elgg_view_page(). But after this I get a white screen, so undo...
Christian_R, my advice would be to stop trying to change the code yourself and wait until I post a message here about a new version.
Ok, I'm waiting ... =)
Last posting before your update ... =)
I solved the Warning with page_draw.
change: page_draw() to:echo elgg_view_page()
Best regards, and still waiting.. ;)
Could not load the elgg:event_calendar library from /home/xxx/public_html/clients/xxx.net/mod/event_calendar/models/model.php
Using elgg 1.8.3
Alfirus, the library exists, so I think that you should try a reinstall of the plugin or you may have some server-related permissions issue.
For those who want to try out really new code, I have opened up a "full" calendar branch in github for the latest development. This supports a wall calendar style "full calendar", repeated events, a new edit form layout and other things. I'll merge this back to the master once the code has stabilised:
The new features are mostly hidden by default but you can try them out by toggling them on in the plugin settings.
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