I have searched these groups for related issues and have not found any answers. I have come accross an issue with running the Elgg systems. I have attempted both 1.7 and 1.8 both with same results.
The install goes just fine, using directories such as mydomain.com/elgg and mydomain.com/data.
I have no problem with that as I can repoint my domain to the elgg directory.
My problem is the Uploading Avatar. I have had the same issue on both versions that the page allows me to browse for new avatar and press the Upload button, but then i get to a page at mydomain.com/elgg/action/avatar/upload and this is just a blank white screen.
If I can manage to get past this part, the system is very promissing. This has become my only issue so far and been playing with all the other features for about a month now.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
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- Cash@costelloc

Cash - 0 likes
- JawJak@peterlassonde

JawJak - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.There is probably something that needs to be changed with your server configuration. To determine the error, follow these instructions (http://docs.elgg.org/wiki/White_page) with reference to display_errors.
I had tried all that and finally today found some more info on the open_basedir from php 5.3 on Plesk Panel 10.3.1. I got it working by modifing my httpd.conf file on my dedicated server. Thank you for the quick resonse though.
Anyone needing to know... the modification can be found at: