Hello, I decided to disable message plugin because of too much spamming, I could not find a plugin that limits how a user sends a message.
Then the spammer changed pattern and started posting on peoples message board, I disabled the message board plugin.
But I can't just disable these plugins a longtime, I need solutions
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- DhrupDeScoop@Dhrup2000

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You must log in to post replies.you can't forever chase those spammers' tails ;)
Spam Login Filter exists for blocking spammers at register-time.
And I beieve there's posts around regarding spam blocks.
I want only friends of a user to post on message board and send messages. any code I could add to existing plugin will be helpful
Those should be pretty simple modifications to make. You'll need to wrap the add form output and the actions for both plugins in a check to see if the user trying to send a message is a friend. To do this, use the check_entity_relationship() function like:
if (check_entity_relationship($logged_in_user, 'friend', $user_receiving_the_message) {
// let it go
} else {
register_error('You have to be a friend to message this person.');
@jetwumoore there's already a plugin that let's you choose whether you want your friends to send you or anyone:
Rodolfo Hernandez
Arvixe/Elgg Community Liaison