I still don't understand what the heck is going on in my site's registration, even if I put the right things, and entered an correct email, username and password, still the error comes. I tried to disable my theme also but that doesn't work either :/ And in google, this time I couldn't find anything about this error, I found only junk in google...
My elgg test site still exist (the one which is in a XAMPP directory for testing) and there the registration worked so good about 3 weeks ago even if I enabled the theme, have finnish language pack, deleted the display name etc. but now suddenly the registration doesn't work either on the site in the XAMPP directory.
I'm possibly thinking that if I have actually an error in my computer, and not in the elgg sites (domain and xampp directory)?
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What error are you referring to?
Deleted display name? Like Brett, what error are you getting? Which version of elgg are you using?
Rodolfo Hernandez
Arvixe/Elgg Community Liaison
I'm still getting the "Registration failed! The username or email is taken or the username or password is too short." error, and I am using elgg 1.7.10 and I deleted the display name field by going to some registration php files and erased the display name field.
I am not sure, but I think the display name is needed. Probably there is a problem within the files you edited. Try restoring original files and if registration works, it means your code is bad.
Also, you may wanna extend the view, rather than editing core files.
Rodolfo Hernandez
Arvixe/Elgg Community Liaison
@rjcalifornia: I already told her about the display name, as the code expects it to be passed from the form and into the database, in another thread, but...
I've had enough of wasting my time helping her.
The username and display name are required by the default register action. If you've removed them from the register form view you need to override the register action not to expect them. Username is required in the datamodel, so be sure to keep that there.
@lee feel you pain buddy!
@brett good luck!
@TSFI my last bit of help for you!
Thanks, Steve.
@Brett yep, the username is still there, but how do I REALLY DELETE THE DISPLAY NAME thing or change it, because I want it for personal security, because there is this problem in finland: If a stranger will find out the other person's real name (Firstname Lastname), then the person who posted his/her real name, could get in trouble, like the stranger could figure out the other person's street address by entering the person's real name to a telephone number service. That's why I don't want the display name...
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