All images on a site are now broken after installing 1.7.10

Hello! =]

Love your guy's engine, and was making some real headway in coding some cool stuff with it from the plugins provided here, unfortunatly i tried updating from 1.7.9 to 1.7.10 and it broke all my images =/

I reverted back to 1.7.9 and even did a database / cpanel restore but to no avail :( 

the profile images, the thumbnails, everything is broken, but the elgg_data root files are in tact, and all the guids are saved in the database aswell.. im not sure what else to mention but there has to be an easy solution to re-introduce the images back into the profiles? I've looking into php5-gd its upto date, and my server runs elgg perfectly fine (hostmonster) I just dont know what else to try =/ I renamed the data root and changed the pointing location but it just gave me default images until i tried to upload and those broke aswell >_<! its the launch day for this website and i just had to mess it up :(


Any help would be appreciated =]