In using $(an elgg object)->time_created or for better example,
$object_created = date("G:H j/m-Y", $object->time_created) ;
I get the time (at server side i believe coz it doesn't match my local time) and the day, month year the object is created. This is okay.
Is it possible to just get the month and year? like April 2011 ? I couldn't find much of the time_created call or the date.php output..... any insight ?
Thanks in advance ;D
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You must log in to post replies.strftime("%B %Y",$object_created);
Thanks Dhrup ( what about your clients ? ;P ;P ;P )
strftime("%B %Y",$object->time_created); worked for me....
Anyone know a way of comparing time_created values?
Say for example I wanted to know/check if 1 object was a week older than another....?
if ($object->time_created < $anotherobject->time_created - 7) {
do something }
Just googgle for timestamp comparison
The time is in seconds so you can't just subtract 7.