-Unique Registration Code

Hello all form and related plugin users =)!

I ran into this strange problem 200 days ago and left to test other plugins. Now I'm back trying to get it working! Almost everything works fine except when I enable 'require a unique registration code'.

I have a bit more knowledge of Elgg now so I provide slightly more information. I freshly installed the new elgg 1.7.8, disabled everything except profile , invitefriends, forms, flex profile, flex reg, friends  (had others enabled as well but didn't work too).

When I send myself an invite and try to register it says invalid registration code (I see an invite code in the invite link). I can't get to the registration page.

My install is also in a sub-directory.

Just wondering if anyone knows what the problem is..Any help is appreicated.


Form and related plugins

Form and related plugins

User-generated content, flexible user and group profiles, registration forms, custom file forms