Language - Translation

Would like to hear to you about the translation to the profile sheet. How do I do? Where should I add this translation if I want more than one language? In which directory? Or I'll just enter it into any existing file?
Thanks for all the help I can get.

Has also translated 50% of all the files I have to Swedish if anyone is interested

Would like to hear to you about the translation to the profile sheet. How do I do? Where should I add this translation if I want more than one language? In which directory? Or I'll just enter it into any existing file?
Thanks for all the help I can get.

Has also translated 50% of all the files I have to Swedish if anyone is interested

  • Solved the problem of translation.
    Save the form as "Yes, use the Elgg translation system".

    Went to the  mod/form/formtrans/en.php.

    Copied file and named it "sv.php".

    Translated it and changed   $ english = array (   to  $ Swedish = array (          and 

     add_translation("en",$english);   to    add_translation ('sv', $ Swedish);".

    Put the file to server and voila, ready

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