Elgg friends picker can be useful integrated in send a message to check one or more friends.
but above all for usability: when you have a long list of friends, it's a little crazy to scroll a long <select name="send_to"> with names not sorted. :-)
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- Team Webgalli@webgalli
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- Mike Zacher (vazco)@vazco
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- DhrupDeScoop@Dhrup2000
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- lord55@lord55
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- lord55@lord55
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- Trajan@Trajan
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You must log in to post replies.Lord55, have a look http://sandbox.webgalli.com to see a friends picker introduced for messages and let me know is that what you are looking for.
You can find friendpicker for messages on test.elggdev.com as well. For safety, messages can be sent only to friends when you're non-admin user.
Functionality is implemented by vazco_mailer plugin, along with multiple other options.
it is quite easy to sort user names listing. how many do you have on your list ;) that is too crazy long ? could try (jquery) autocomplete - code is already packaged with elgg's vendors library.
thanks guys! I also wrote this, for a default enhancement in future elgg 1.8
my friends? they are all auto generated, maybe a billion ;)
(jquery) autocomplete code? and if I don't remember the name?.... solution is always to see a little pic :-P
look in elgg-root/views/default/input/autocomplete.php
As D says, this is already a standard feature of elgg that is not harnessed nearly enough.