Has anyone developed a way to add the wire functionality to groups so that each group can have it's own wire, which my users would prefer to a discussion board. If so, I'd appreciate any information on how to implement. If not, I'd appreciate any idea of whether it would be possible to create and any hints about where to begin that I can pass on to the SQL/PHP programmers on my team.
School Technologist
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- Alastair@afhole
Alastair - 0 likes
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- Juho Jaakkola@juho.jaakkola
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- ura soul@tunist
ura soul - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.Bump. Would be very keen on this functionality also (for use with 16-19 y/o course/register groups)
I can't remember if wireposts are entities or some other data type. If they are entities you can set container_guids for them as the group guid, and then fetch all posts with that container_guid into a wire view for the group.
...I imagine there is a plugin somewhere in the repo that does this, or at least has this functionality alongside other enhancements for groups.
We definitely need this!
Groups should have the Wire, so everything that is posted in the group wire goes to the global wire page, but things that are posted on the wire page does not go in the groups.
I'm very excited about this extra module for groups. Any news on this?
No news after 1 year ?? 1 way wud be -- Code for 1-self or Pay$ another-self to code it.....
This plugin enables The Wire in groups:
i'm interested to know if wire tools interferes in any way with river_addons ajaxing.. i'll maybe test this in a while.. thanks for sharing