More Control...

I want several things available to Admin's only...

  1. Admin's should only be able to create events in the events calendar
  2. Admin's should only be able to create pages
  3. Admin's should only be able to create groups
  • Triple Moons, If you read the docs for the event calendar, you will see that admin only events are already supported.

  • Yes, I did manage to locate that after my post. I'm still having issues with Groups and Files (I completely removed Pages). And I want the file tree (folders) to be across the board rather then user specific. I thought Elggdev was going to help me out with paid support but I've received no response to my recent emails these last few days.

  • Triplemoons, its quiet easy to restrict the content creation only to admins by simply adding the admin gatekeepre function.

  • Thanks for the response, but I have no Admin Gatekeeper function nor does one show up when searching in the plugins.

  • Admin gatkeeper (admin_gatekeeper()) is not a plugin. Its just an elgg function.

    I think, its better for you to go through for understanding about elgg

  • No specific instructions are provided in the docs. My PHP knowledge is extremely limited, so without specific instructions I can not do it.

  • Triplemoons, you should have somebasic knowledge on elgg and php to setup a site using Elgg framework. If you are not so technical expert its better to hire somedeveloper for your needs.

  • I'm aware, that's why I initially contacted Elggdev. ;)

  • @TripleMoons

    go to the following file:


    BACKUP THIS FILE!!!! (create a copy somewhere else)

    find line 243 to 253

    replace with this:


    // Add submenu options

    if (get_context() == 'groups' && !($page_owner instanceof ElggGroup)) {

    if (isloggedin()) {

    add_submenu_item(elgg_echo('groups:owned'), $CONFIG->wwwroot . "pg/groups/owned/" . $_SESSION['user']->username, '1groupslinks');

    add_submenu_item(elgg_echo('groups:yours'), $CONFIG->wwwroot . "pg/groups/member/" . $_SESSION['user']->username, '1groupslinks');

    add_submenu_item(elgg_echo('groups:invitations'), $CONFIG->wwwroot . "pg/groups/invitations/" . $_SESSION['user']->username, '1groupslinks');


    add_submenu_item(elgg_echo('groups:all'), $CONFIG->wwwroot . "pg/groups/world/", '1groupslinks');


    if (get_context() == 'groups' && !($page_owner instanceof ElggGroup)) {

    if (isadminloggedin()) {

    add_submenu_item(elgg_echo('groups:new'), $CONFIG->wwwroot."pg/groups/new/", '1groupslinks');


    Now read it carefully, understand how it works and try the pages plugin yourself. Good luck!
  • Recently i installed the elgg 1.7+ i have installed also the eportfolio module the problem is everytime i create and modify my eportfolio when i logout the eportfolio was appeared visible in the latest activity in the main page is their anyway to control what latest activity must be displayed in the main page. for short i want only the wire conversation was visible in the main page.