atm I can't access in admin pages (white page) , in settings pages (white page), and all over the site there are no images (only default elgg thumb ) for profiles and no images for files. then when I click on Logout, an error message says "Action is not define in the system".
I updraded also too elgg 1.7.6 and using now default mod/plugins.
Upgrade.php 1.7.6 runs fine but all this problems are still there.
maybe something it was going wrong enabling/disabling plugin. Do you have an idea to resolve it?
Security issues should be reported to!
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Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
Icons by Flaticon and FontAwesome.
I have the exact same problem! Strange - I just moved my site to a VPS and I was testing it before changing nameservers. Hopefully someone has a solution.
Ok I figured out the problem - in my database elgg_datalists, my "path" and "data root" were both wrong. After changing these values, everything works fine. Hope this helps.
Although some of my group profile pics are gone.
my "path" and "data root" are correct moving nothing on my site
Sorry, I tried :) Although, It is funny that we are having the exact same problem... Good luck.
I think both topics are discussing same problem please update only one topic :- follow thwe below link
this is a general problem, not only with tidypics. for it isn't the first and my impression is that it comes when something is wrong enabling or disabling plugin. I'm not sure yet but seems a problem connected with new version of izapvideo too. I will see to understand this problem and the solution for now is only to reinstall all :-(
now i have also problems in login:
The requested action (login) was not defined in the system
is there a way to disable all plugin when it is impossible to enter in site admin pages?
@lord55: create a (empty) file called "disabled" in the mod folder. Then all plugins are disabled.
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