I wonder how you do website's menus in Elgg, really.
How you store menu items or how you determine current menu item to make it active for example?
Today I found a nice thread http://trac.elgg.org/ticket/2320 where mr. cash fixed something finally, bringing (awaited) menu system into Elgg core, but only in 1.8th core. So the reasonable question is - how to backport it into 1.7?
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- Brett@brett.profitt

Brett - 0 likes
- iionly@iionly

iionly - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.1.8's menu system will not be backported to 1.7.
There 1.7 menu systems are capable of creating menus, as you can see from this site. What sort of menus are you trying to create? Have you looked at how other plugins and core create menus?
For 1.7 you can create a menu for example with the header menu plugin: http://community.elgg.org/pg/plugins/project/452811/developer/uddhavadasa/header-menu-and-online-users