Where is DhrupDeScoop ??

What happened to DhrupDeScoop ?

Mi amigo where are you ?? You are nowhere to be found for 2-3 days now.

Not on elgg community

Not on Gmail

Not on Skype

Anyone had any contact with him recently ??



  • Finaly heard from him :) he is under the weather sorta speak but should be back soon.

  • It's tough staying on top in the business world..
    people are already calling me a "has been.."
    it's better than being called a "never was..."
    LOLZ ;-P

  • A date to remember July 23, 2013 the day a light on elgg dimmed 

  • what happened to him?

  • He wasn't well and it sounded terminal, most likely he's passed on now.

  • wow he was so knowledgeable...RIP dhrup

  • @Matt, I talked with dhrup in May, 1. And he said that the governemenrt was paying his bills. (In Brazil we call this "aposentadoria". Something like "retirement"). Is he dead?

    Sad, very sad here. :(

  • Found a private message from him. 134 days ago. (May)

    i not publicized this
    but i had 3/4 serious health issues last 2 months back !;X
    2 weeks in Hosp + 2 weeks in nursing facility
    so cutting down drastically on *all work
    though can still code like crazy ;}
    & now on oxygen 80-90% of the time
    got nurses visit me regularly etc etc etc ;-P
    just waiting for my 2 years to got until 'officail retirement'
    then i relocate to some south american country
    quieter, cheaper, more relaxed, less hassle...
    for the rest... of my life"

  • I also received several private message from him 128 days ago. Not going to share them in public but they were just as bleak with the same soonly expected, presently assumed, outcome; although I have no proof.  If anyone would like copies, I'll be willing to share them with you on a personal basis; just send me a private message. Love/d the guy and his spirit.

  • Ron, I shared the message because my english is a crap. He told about retirement, but I didnt know the correct words to explain that.

    Well, if it is true, rest in peace, friend. Dhrup helped me a lot about ELGG, and never asked for nothing. And he had a Brazilian girlfriend years agor! :)