Facebook/Twitter Sharing Integration with Elgg


I am developing an Elgg social networking site with multiple custom plugins and custom integrations. I am looking for a coder familiar with basic facebook and twitter integrations into other websites.

Mainly, I want to allow my users to actively share specific content from their pages on my Elgg site directly to their facebook or twitter account from my website using the social networks' apps. The shared content has to be specialized to fit my website and use our logo and details.

If any custom coders are capable of performing this job, please message me here or contact me via my email below. I have a specific budget in mind, and will take quotes after giving further details.

Thank you very much!

Email: cjs327@drexel.edu

  • Hello,

    we've developed various Facebook and Twitter functionalities for our clients. Some examples are challengesd.eu (Facebook) or alshabaka.me (Twitter). I think our basic Facebook and Twitter integrations are quite decent. We can extend them fairly easily as well. If you're interrested in cooperation, please contact me via info@elggdev.com


    ps. Charles, I didn't recognize you by just email :)

  • Hello Michal,

    This actually has to do with my current project/plugin development. If you can, please check your email, your Gmail one, and I have some specifications sent on some plugin additions. This is not a facebook connect/login app. It is more of a sharing content app for facebook and twitter.


  • Charles, ok, I will check my email and answer you tomorrow (it's already quite late here). We've done some content integration as well, mostly with Twitter, and with Facebook's like buttons, profile information and wall.

  • Ok, well, if possible, please read over my email and reply back tomorrow with a time that we can talk via skype/email so I can describe this to you further in depth. Thank you very much, and have a good night!

  • Lovegin John


    We have been working with ELGG for the last few years and have developed many elgg solutions. You can see some of our samples at elgghub.com/portfolio.

    We have developed Twitter/Facebook integrations with elgg for many applications like http://springova.com.

    Please skype at Webcubes for affordable elgg solutions.


    Lovegin John.

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