The Form & related plugins seams to heavily utelize metadata functions, and in theory they should cover Advanced search, grapping the members UI and place them in new groups without another heavy registration procedure for the users - that is the administrater prepare the existing members so they are ready for networking in new sub-groups.
However, the plugins are very difficult to understand & configure without examples. But as the documentation behind is easy (at: it should be possible to make a sequense of your plugins "to add the registered members into another sub-groups - according to their interests"?
The most simple taxonomy: Mother-group with all members, subgroups with large or minor fractions of the members.
Please tell me the sequence of your plugins and give me an example to configure these!
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- Phillip@phillipny

Phillip - 0 likes
- Kevin Jardine@kevin

Kevin Jardine - 0 likes
- Phillip@phillipny

Phillip - 0 likes
- Kevin Jardine@kevin

Kevin Jardine - 0 likes
- Phillip@phillipny

Phillip - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.Half-way solution is found.
The only need to:
1. Search UID for relevant members
2. Add existing members to specified groups
are partly solved through: as it solves point 2.
However it is still a question to utelize the claimed Advanced search that should be working using the Form and related plugins. Please let us know how to configure this by an example - preferable so it, together with Group-contact-list solves 1. and 2.
Hi Phillip,
Just a quick comment that this goes beyond what the forms and related plugins do out of the box so as the plugin author I can't help. You are of course welcome to extend my code to do whatever is necessary to meet your needs.
I guess, I'll try to extend this. Please send me the Advanced search code of your plugin.
Phillip, my plugins are available from the Elgg plugin repository.
Anybody who has got any transperrant and reasonable configuable code for 'Advanced search' ?