Help me with my header

Thank you to help me please. I am not familiar with elgg and I don't even know something about css, But i would like to customise my header to have the logo of my website at the left and an advertisement space at the right. I'm using elgg on wamp (a testing environment. so' it's not online) Can somebody help me please? Thank you very much.

  • Find a Theme that suits your needs.. there are many :)


    HaPPy ElGGinG :)

    Do GooD :)

  • @Théophile Nzungize


    Try this... Let me know if that works for you or if it is what you're looking for:


    1.  Choose an image. Any image that you want.

    2.  Place that image in the folder “_graphics”, which is inside the Elgg folder.

    3.  Open the file header_contents.php

    Location: [mysite/views/default/page_elements/header_contents.php]

    4.  Look for this line in that file:

    <h1><a href=”<?php echo $vars['url']; ?>”><?php echo $vars['config']->sitename; ?></a></h1>

    5. Replace it with this one:

    <a href=”<?php echo $vars['url']; ?>”><img src=”<?php echo $vars['url'];>_graphics/logo.gif” alt=”<?php echo $vars['config']->sitename; ?>” title=”<?php echo $vars['config']->sitename; ?>” /></a>

    (Replace the “logo.gif” in that line with the name of your image or logo)

    6. After making those changes, the image is going to be display, instead of the letters.



    **Arvixe Liaison Program Representative**

  • @rjcalifornia

    Thx, i changed it to:
     <a href="<?php echo $vars['url']; ?>"><img src="http://mywebsite/_graphics/logoelgg.gif" /></a>

    When i browse to my elgg website i got a gray pages with your code. I think its becaus of the alt="".
    I cant seem to make that work :(..




  • @Michael: try it on the header_contents.php file in the page elements folder of the theme you are will work.

    depending on the code in the theme you are using. you can find the name of the logo graphic in the graphics folder and then find the link to the logo on the header_content.php page, from there you can change the default theme logo to the name of the logo of your choice.

    @rjcalifornia:Please what is the spotlicontent area all about and how can i remove it if its not needed on the web pages.

  • @Michael: try it on the header_contents.php file in the page elements folder of the theme you are will work.

    depending on the code in the theme you are using. you can find the name of the logo graphic in the graphics folder and then find the link to the logo on the header_content.php page, from there you can change the default theme logo to the name of the logo of your choice.

    @rjcalifornia:Please what is the 'spotlight' content area all about.It gives links to elgg and other sites and how can i remove it if its not needed on the web pages.

  • @kxx4  The spotlight area is for placing some links, such as terms, about, or anything you want. Give me a minute and I'll tell you how to delete it.

  • @rjcalifornia: Thanx, am waiting..but I see another area below spotlight where the "powered by elgg is placed.I think its better to use that area for the links you talked about.

  • Hi!


    Well, if you want to change the "Powered by Elgg bar",  go to “yourElggFolder/views/default/page_elements“, then open the file “footer.php“.  Edit the content inside that file.


    Now, for the spotlight, go to “yourElggFOlder/views/default/spotlight” and open the file “default.php“. edit the “spotlightRHS” and “spotlightLHS“ div class. 



    ***Arvixe Liaison Program Representative***

  • I just created a plugin over the weekend that allows you to change the spotlight with any HTML or text you want. I will upload it tonight. One nice thing is this shouldn't break when you upgrade, plus you can change the content without typing, you just add the html or text in the tools admin part.

  • I know I am several weeks late, but just got to this problem.

    @rjcalifornia, @Théophile Nzungize

    I also got the gray page. I fix it taken out the quotes in the url:

    <img src=<?php echo $vars['url'];?>_graphics/logocayambelibre.png alt=<?php echo $vars['config']->sitename; ?> title=<?php echo $vars['config']->sitename; ?> />

    The quotes where converted to weird string: %E2%80%9D

    I just post this becuase it maybe usefull for someone in the feature. Thanks a lot guys.



    PD. Is this the correct way to this or should we create a plugin for a template. It works for me now, but I don't know if this could be a problem in the future when upgrading elgg