This is a holding place for Site Access 2.0 comments/concerns/ or issues!
Putting comments here so they are preserved... instead of on the plugin page
Security issues should be reported to!
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Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
Icons by Flaticon and FontAwesome.
- shellcode@shellcode
shellcode - 0 likes
- alfalive@alfalive
alfalive - 0 likes
- shellcode@shellcode
shellcode - 0 likes
- JS@Jeffserrao
JS - 0 likes
- shellcode@shellcode
shellcode - 0 likes
- vikram@vikram
vikram - 0 likes
- ubuntu@ubuntu
ubuntu - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.there is an issue with registration if the email templates haven't been created yet... they can be created by going to pg/siteaccess/templates ... but I will fix this tonight and repost the addon.
Great Plugin thanks.
you may add a link to this thread in comments to your plugin.
This link
returns: No results found.
siteaccess 2.0 was removed... I uploaded 2.2 you can find the link here.
Hi Shellcode i had a problem with loging in. i thought i found my problem! when the riverdashboard is enabled and site access is enabled thats when i cant login. So i just restore my database why do you think this happens maybe something to do with the river not sure!
hmm.. This isn't happening for me... I'm not sure why this would happen. Do you have another plugin that is replacing the login form?
I have some similar issue. I had friend moderator module but after installing siteaccess it does not work. when I disable siteaccess it starts to work again. Similar post by someone here
Any clue what is missing?
it seems like the issue is with moderator plugin and has nothing to do with siteaccess.
I am considering installing your plugin but I'm not sure it is exactly what I need. I want to utilize a captcha feature, but I get the impression yours only activates after 3 unsuccessful login attempts. I'm actually looking for this feature during the registration process. Does it also allow for this?