I did not know where I could put this topic so this group seemed to be the safest place maybe to post this. Many run ELGG for different reasons and mainly for fun and building an online community. We all run ELGG mainly for those reasons and are happy and excited when we see a new site grow.
I started all of this as just a hobby mainly and thought one day would be fun to have a site like Twitter or Facebook so ELGG became the foundation for an idea that came to life. Since I got very heavily into SEO I began to use the new site as a test for all my new SEO skills and research. I began to see how fast a site can get busy with traffic and the need for a more realible hosting account began to escalate like mad.
Now this started to become a costly hobby after a while since running a decent ELGG site requires having a decent Paid Webhosting Provider. So the main task was trying to figure out how to recover most of the costs to keep this fun site going. I had to really think outside of the box and spend hours researching the best and most legit ways of generating revenue to make return on investment.
So I found three sites that have started to work for me and are now on a trend to possibly cover double the cost of all my yearly hosting fees. I do not like ads at all showing all over the place that really was something I had to stay away from. I found three online companies that let you generate revenue by selling very small TEXT LINK AD Space. A simple TEXT LINK could bring in from $8.00 (USD) per month if you have Google Page Rank 4 and Alexa.com Rank of under 180K or less. Now this is just from ONE of the Three sites I use and you are able to have a MAX of 10 Links. So it's not hard to figure out if you were to SELL all 10 LINKS you would generate $80.00 (USD) per month from just ONE Company. If you had a HIGHER Google Page Rank and also maybe a lower Alexa.com Ranking then you could earn even more per link.
I am sharing this because I had to find out about these sites VERY long after my ELGG site was up and running. I wish I would have found these sites a year ago but I am very glad I have them now. Great thing now is not only are NEXT YEARS GoDaddy.com Hosting Fees already EARNED and Sitting around but in the Event I want to Buy more Domains or Upgrade to a VPS or better account it will not cost me much at all out of pocket. Because the traffic, Google PR and Alexa Rankings have already brought in revenue and are doing it consistantly when I am away. If anyone is interested in learning which Three Sites I use please contact me I do not want to just promote them right here. They are FREE to JOIN and honestly they do not look bad on the site because they are TEXT LINKS not Banner Ads. I do not use Google Adsense and I am Generating from ONE SITE more Money in 6 months then Google Adsense Made for me in 2 YRS.
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You must log in to post replies.AGAIN the THREE SITES that I Talked about ABOVE are all FREE TO JOIN. All of them make a different Amount and ONE out of the THREE has made me over $100.00 from MID MAY UNTIL the END of this MONTH NOV. So SIMPLE TO FIGURE OUT.. My GoDaddy Hosting FEES could be already PAID FOR in LESS THEN 6 Months. Plus the busier your site gets the more you could possibly make!
Now another thing... If you have a BUSY BLOG SITE like WordPress Installed on your own Domain it would also be in your Best Interest to Find out about the THREE Companies I use to SELL TEXT LINK AD SPACE. GREAT THING Also is there is no contract in any of this. If you do not like an Advertised LINK you can Delete them and take them off because you have the FINAL SAY. Think of this as Renting out a Spare ROOM in your HOUSE. You will EARN RENTAL MONEY if you Rent out a FEW EMPTY ROOMS. Soon you will have your Mortgage paid for. Now if you have Several Domains and all are semi popular and decent Page Rankings then you will have Multiple Streams of Income from your Virtual Rental Properties. You are not ONLY a CEO / OWNER / Webmast but now you are a Virtual Real Estate Investor.
Sorry, this is not the right place. This group is just for developers who track the board for job offers, and for web admins who are in need of elgg developers.
Please move the topic and clean, general discussion, perhaps? Though this one may be not safe on any group, you know...
Ok I just put this where you said now what?? I am not able to delete this here.
ok thank you, we'll just leave it then. currently the moderation is disabled, nothing to do =)
Post has been moved to general discussion
Ok well thanks for that. Hope that people understand how important this can be and one day find that running a very busy and growing Elgg site can really hurt their wallet as time goes on. So I am providing a few different solutions that so far a few other long time Elgg veterains on here have told me I should not give away such INFO for FREE.
But that's just how I am.
Sorry, but having been around on the net since '91, the type of service the company you are promoting is not really better than GOOGLE ADSENSE! It reminds me of the hoax in 94 where a person sent in $1 to FIVE PEOPLE, and in turn, was at THE TOP. The next person signs up and sends the next round of FIVE people $1 each and the PYRYMID BEGINS. It's illegal in the U.S. and violates EHTICAL laws (to which investigators seek and I have forwarded this information). The service is affiliate based, does not fit the ELGG *PLUGIN* model ... boderline spam from a *CONVINCE* participant now trying to BOOST himself by *FINDING* a downstream of new sign-up BY POSTING here WHAT THEY have led TO BELIEVE....
@Dave Not even close to what you are ASSUMING at all. I have had several years of experience with Google Adsense and found that it to not even work on a social network site period. The sites I use generate a real and constant income VS. a few cents per click.