I'm not sure how to use bookmark... On the field that says "Address", what can we input there? A website? I tried but when I clicked on the site, nothing happened. A link to a page in Elgg, how do we get the exact link? Any comment is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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- Brett@brett.profitt

Brett - 0 likes
- Dan Huff@dan.huff

Dan Huff - 0 likes
- Susan Tsairi@openid_482

Susan Tsairi - 0 likes
- Dan Huff@dan.huff

Dan Huff - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.Bookmarks are like social bookmarking. You can add a book mark, and then when you click on that in Elgg, it takes you to a page where users can comment on your link. There's a button that says "Visit Resource" that will take you to the resource.
When I create a new book mark... where do I enter the "address/location" of the resource.. I tried to enter a website (i.e. www.google.com) as a bookmark, saved it, and then came out and click on "Visit resource" but it didn't take me to google.com... How should the "address / location" of the resource be filled out? Thanks.
Dan you need to add http:// before the address eg: http://www.google.com
oh great. thanks!
just a related question... if i want to bookmark an elgg page, photo album, etc... do I have to copy the full URL (http://......) or can I bookmark a more friendly address?