Hello guys,
I'm new to elgg and looking at the "Tool Administration".
There are top, up, down, bottom button to reorder the plugins.
So where does elgg keep the settings of plugin order?
Thanks in advance.
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You must log in to post replies.Do you want to change the order?
Then this might help:
It is stored with metadata for "site". i.e
i want to add a drag and drop function so you're not going to keep clicking to the up or down button.
i hope it's just like making a simple drag and drop with jquery and saves the position/order in database using ajax.
so i'm looking for their orderId? or something that was used as their position number and saved in the database.
Thanks for the reply guys.
There's already the plugin manager plugin that might be do what you want to implement, i.e. drag and drop of plugins in the list. Even if you still want to code your own plugin you might be able to find out how it works by looking at the code.
As iionly said, check the plugin written by Evan Winslow.
I'm not sure if I installed the plugin correctly or downloaded the right plugin but the Plugin Manager is not working. It disables all link upon enabling the Plugin Manager. The elgg site is a fresh install.
@Invisible, i saw it's stored in metadata, and the code is in plugins.php
But how do i read this string value stored in metadata?
correction, it is saved in "metasstrings"